On 12/11/2018 7:36 PM, David Jaques-Watson wrote:
> Tc, just wanted to say I’m really enjoying these after action reports. ;-)
Especially as someone who has only read TTA, and not recently... I
remember enough to follow along, but can still be pleasantly surprised
by detail. :)
Kelly St. Clair
and thank you too. Although I've always imagined anyone reading them to need TTA to hand as they go through them as I don't regurgitate much of the actual plot/details. I mean there's not a word mentioned about toilet rolls in the actual text.... ;-)
In other words, don't trust my detail as far as you could throw it as regards what's in the book!
(and for those paying attention, yes it *is* the middle of the night here. In a nice irony for someone struggling with Chronic Fatigue, I'm struggling to get back to sleep after waking up with a rather exquisite headache. Of course, turning the tablet on to find these two cheering messages probably isn't helping matters!)
(and also for those paying attention, you'll notice this is the first time I've managed to directly reply to TML messages in several months. It appears that the 'instant delete' of mailing list emails is now at least keeping them in the bin if I look. So if I pay attention to the archives and then hunt through all the junk in my trash folder, I can actually participate once again)
I'll try to nod off hatching further plans to see how subtly or bluntly I can hint to the PCs what they need to realize about certain happenings to lead them into the next chapter. Or just let them really come up against the brick wall...