Thread Index - May 2003 - SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum)

Re: SURVEY: How do you know how many e-titles you own? John Lucas (01 May 2003 16:58 UTC)
Percentage of Grey/Gray Literature By Field/Discipline Gerry Mckiernan (01 May 2003 17:05 UTC)
730, 740, or other for ambiguous added serials title entry Birdie MacLennan (01 May 2003 21:26 UTC)
Online indexes of academic journals Enrico Martellini (02 May 2003 07:00 UTC)
Percentage of Grey/Gray Literature By Field/Discipline (Albert Henderson) ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU (02 May 2003 13:22 UTC)
Re: Online indexes of academic journals Thomas Krichel (02 May 2003 14:47 UTC)
Technical Services Librarian, Albany NY (Colleen Smith) Ann Ercelawn (02 May 2003 19:12 UTC)
Abstracting/Indexing Service Inclusion of Eprints/Preprints Gerry Mckiernan (04 May 2003 16:12 UTC)
Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information Marian Dworaczek (05 May 2003 13:28 UTC)
GL5 Announcement and Call for Papers ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU (05 May 2003 13:30 UTC)
Brick & Click Libraries - 2nd Call for Proposals Joyce Meldrem (06 May 2003 19:36 UTC)
compustat Fatmeh Charafeddine (07 May 2003 12:02 UTC)
Reminder: ACRL/NEC Serials Interest Group Spring Program Patricia Hatch (07 May 2003 16:24 UTC)
Attack of the Giant Mold Spore & Beating the Critter Jitter Nancy Hasenwinkel (07 May 2003 19:25 UTC)
Program Announcement: ALCTS President's Program Pamela Bluh (08 May 2003 11:42 UTC)
GL5 Conference Memorandum No. 1 (Dominic Farace) ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU (08 May 2003 13:34 UTC)
ISSN 0947-0697 Brian Vetruba (08 May 2003 14:42 UTC)
Re: ISSN 0947-0697 Steve Shadle (08 May 2003 15:01 UTC)
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics Chris Blackman (08 May 2003 16:16 UTC)
Re: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics Chris Blackman (08 May 2003 16:33 UTC)
Catalog Librarian, St. Louis Brian Vetruba (08 May 2003 19:22 UTC)
curiousity about service charges Shroyer, Andrew (08 May 2003 22:27 UTC)
Re: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv = Review of World Economics Donald Pisani (09 May 2003 06:53 UTC)
SULOP report to update LDRs Lucy Crews (09 May 2003 14:23 UTC)
Proceedings - Southern Assn. of Colleges and Schools Lynne Stevens (09 May 2003 16:38 UTC)
Re: curiousity about service charges Carol Morse (09 May 2003 17:44 UTC)
Binding American City & County Sarah Sutton (09 May 2003 18:09 UTC)
Journalism (Lynne Stevens) ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU (09 May 2003 19:13 UTC)
Re: Binding American City & County Fallon, Judith L. (09 May 2003 19:25 UTC)
Worst Serial Title Change of the Year -- correction Horn, Marguerite (09 May 2003 19:42 UTC)
Re: curiousity about service charges Susan E. Sturgeon (09 May 2003 19:46 UTC)
Curious---and check in software question Betty Murr (09 May 2003 21:38 UTC)
Electronic Resources Librarian - Position Open Diane Paldan (11 May 2003 20:35 UTC)
service charges (3 messages) ERCELAA@CTRVAX.VANDERBILT.EDU (12 May 2003 13:56 UTC)
Re: service charges (Adam R. Wilder) Adam R. Wilder (12 May 2003 14:28 UTC)
Re: Check in software question Barb Dietsch (12 May 2003 14:34 UTC)
Re: Check in software question Stacy Matwick (12 May 2003 14:47 UTC)
Re: Curious---and check in software question Carol Morse (12 May 2003 15:25 UTC)
Call for Poster Sessions -- 29th Annual ALAO Conference Deberah England (12 May 2003 20:01 UTC)
Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year -- correction Creech, Anna (13 May 2003 14:11 UTC)
Job Vacancy, Albany, NY SERIALST Moderator (13 May 2003 16:18 UTC)
Sad news: Ellen Rappaport (obit.) SERIALST Moderator (13 May 2003 17:13 UTC)
Final call: NASIG Mentoring Program Carole R. Bell (14 May 2003 14:06 UTC)
LIBRARY SURVEY: Staff Censorship Step Schmitt (16 May 2003 15:14 UTC)
Publication of Direct Marketing Linda Harding (16 May 2003 16:35 UTC)
Re: Publication of Direct Marketing Lynn Cote (16 May 2003 16:57 UTC)
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (Lynne Stevens) SERIALST Moderator (16 May 2003 20:47 UTC)
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Elizabeth Fenwick (19 May 2003 13:01 UTC)
Microfiche dividers/separators Bob Scheier (19 May 2003 14:08 UTC)
Lund University Launches Directory of Open Access Journals (fwd) SERIALST Moderator (19 May 2003 14:25 UTC)
Microfiche dividers/separators (Grace-Ellen McCrann) SERIALST Moderator (19 May 2003 16:45 UTC)
Re: Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Chris Blackman (19 May 2003 18:58 UTC)
Thermabinding SERIALST Moderator (20 May 2003 14:44 UTC)
ALCTS E.R. Discussion Group Meeting-- ALA Annual Tina Shrader (20 May 2003 14:57 UTC)
Print Preservation Conference, Chicago, July 21, 2003 SERIALST Moderator (20 May 2003 17:26 UTC)
Position Announcement: Periodicals/E-Journals Specialist, MN SERIALST Moderator (20 May 2003 22:38 UTC)
Position Announcement: Serials/ILL Librarian, NY SERIALST Moderator (21 May 2003 04:12 UTC)
CONSER meetings at ALA (Jean Hirons) SERIALST Moderator (21 May 2003 15:37 UTC)
ALA Annual Preconference: Business of Acquisitions SERIALST Moderator (22 May 2003 01:30 UTC)
Publishers refusing to deal with a jobber (Dustin Larmore) SERIALST Moderator (22 May 2003 01:31 UTC)
Re: Publishers refusing to deal with a jobber (Dustin Larmore) Blackwell, Lisa (22 May 2003 12:11 UTC)
Variety supplements SUSAN BEIDLER (22 May 2003 12:24 UTC)
FW: Call for Papers (Cross-Posted--Please excuse duplication) Michelle Flinchbaugh (22 May 2003 12:33 UTC)
magazine usage criteria Reference Desk (22 May 2003 17:19 UTC)
Meeting Announcement CSSC at ALA Annual John Radencich (22 May 2003 18:46 UTC)
Publishers refusing to deal with a jobber (3 messages) Marcia Tuttle (22 May 2003 20:26 UTC)
Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year -- correction David Goodman (22 May 2003 20:53 UTC)
FYI re Worst Serial Title or Web Site Change of the Year Grace-Ellen McCrann (22 May 2003 21:32 UTC)
Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year -- correction John Radencich (23 May 2003 11:22 UTC)
Re: Publishers refusing to deal with a jobber (Dustin Larmore) Trisha L. Davis (23 May 2003 16:28 UTC)
Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year -- correction Horn, Marguerite (23 May 2003 17:57 UTC)
New Discussion List for SerialsSolutionsUsers Ann Ercelawn (26 May 2003 13:01 UTC)
Avionics/Avionics Magazine -- title change? Washkevich, Peter (27 May 2003 15:16 UTC)
ALCTS Medium Heads of Technical Services DG in Toronto Jack Hall (27 May 2003 17:29 UTC)
Re: Avionics/Avionics Magazine -- title change? Regina Reynolds (27 May 2003 20:14 UTC)
OpenURL/Web-related program at ALA Toronto Reeta Sinha (27 May 2003 21:31 UTC)
ALCTS President's Program Announcement Pamela Bluh (28 May 2003 12:49 UTC)
ANSI standard interpretion Lucy Crews (28 May 2003 15:10 UTC)
Re: ANSI standard interpretion Cecelia N. Boone (28 May 2003 16:45 UTC)
Thanks on ANSI standard Lucy Crews (28 May 2003 17:59 UTC)
ALCTS Meeting announcement ALA (fwd) Marcia Tuttle (28 May 2003 18:27 UTC)
ALCTS SS Journal Costs DG meeting announcement Amira Aaron (28 May 2003 19:00 UTC)
Change of title? Emma Datson (29 May 2003 01:19 UTC)
Creating lists Adam R. Wilder (29 May 2003 13:13 UTC)
Change of title? (4 messages) Marcia Tuttle (29 May 2003 16:01 UTC)
FW: Change of title? Emma Datson (29 May 2003 21:24 UTC)
performance evaluations Bolton, Karen (30 May 2003 15:41 UTC)
Eliminating Serials check-in Regina McBride (30 May 2003 16:14 UTC)
Re: Eliminating Serials check-in Adam R. Wilder (30 May 2003 18:46 UTC)
Re: Eliminating Serials check-in Pamela Bluh (30 May 2003 19:27 UTC)
Eliminating Serials Check-In (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle (30 May 2003 20:37 UTC)
ALA Program: The Serials Pig inthe Aggregators' Poke III Marcia Tuttle (31 May 2003 13:54 UTC)