Thread Index - May 2000 - SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum)

Re: MARC Holdings Question (Frieda Rosenberg) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (01 May 2000 17:14 UTC)
Cataloging serial backfiles on CD-ROM (Ryan Finnerty) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (01 May 2000 17:17 UTC)
Non-smear stamp for periodicals (Ravi Shenoy) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (01 May 2000 21:10 UTC)
CSISAC Spring Forum 2000 -- Last call (Virginia Roy) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (01 May 2000 21:11 UTC)
Image Mouse Digital Microfiche Retrieval System (Marcia Adamy) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (01 May 2000 21:13 UTC)
Non-smear stamp for periodicals (16 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 15:03 UTC)
Core Journals in Education (Rachel Ben-Eliezer) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 15:05 UTC)
Re: Cataloging serial backfiles in CD-ROM (Michael Borries) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 15:09 UTC)
Re: Core Journals in Education (Buddy Pennington) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 18:22 UTC)
Non-smear stamp for periodicals (3 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 18:30 UTC)
Non-smear stamp for periodicals (Susan Sturgeon) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 18:32 UTC)
Re: Non-smear stamp for periodicals (10 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (02 May 2000 22:19 UTC)
Re: Non-smear stamp for periodicals (2 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 13:51 UTC)
ALA Discussion Group Call for Speakers (Marilyn Mercado) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 14:20 UTC)
Position Announcement: Asst. Head, Acquisitions, NCSU (Sophia Stone) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 16:07 UTC)
Re: Non-smear stamp for periodicals (Andrea Lakios) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 18:17 UTC)
Re: Non-smear stamp for periodicals (Chantana Charoenpanitkul) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 20:41 UTC)
_All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources_ (Gerry McKiernan) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 20:42 UTC)
ALA Research Preconference (Karen Muller) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 20:45 UTC)
Webpage for Use Statistics (Susan Markley) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu (03 May 2000 21:02 UTC)
Statistics on ejournal usage Dan Lester (04 May 2000 13:43 UTC)
Virus Awareness- there's a live one out there! Joyce Nelson (04 May 2000 18:11 UTC)
Version 30, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (04 May 2000 18:15 UTC)
Upcoming CSISAC Spring Forum Cancelled Virginia Roy (04 May 2000 20:37 UTC)
2001 NASIG Call for Papers Margaret Mering (05 May 2000 03:08 UTC)
Directory of Serials Subscription Agents John Laskowski (05 May 2000 14:00 UTC)
Re: Directory of Serials Subscription Agents (5 messages) Birdie MacLennan (05 May 2000 15:39 UTC)
APS Self-Archiving Policy Clarified Stevan Harnad (08 May 2000 12:48 UTC)
Crusader Anita Dawson (08 May 2000 13:31 UTC)
Electronic Journals Resource Guide - now updated Katharina Klemperer (08 May 2000 16:28 UTC)
Browsing items? angry beaver (08 May 2000 21:02 UTC)
ALCTS SS Worst Serial Title Change of the Year Eugene Dickerson (08 May 2000 23:51 UTC)
Re: Browsing items? Stephanie Willen Brown (09 May 2000 14:33 UTC)
Re: Browsing items? Melissa H. Fayad (09 May 2000 15:43 UTC)
Re: Browsing items? (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (09 May 2000 17:49 UTC)
Browsing items? Marcie Landeros (10 May 2000 15:39 UTC)
Position Announcement: University of Florida, Head, Serials Acquisitions Denise Bogart-Caballero (10 May 2000 15:39 UTC)
NELINET Spring Meeting reminder Ann Devenish (10 May 2000 15:39 UTC)
Duplicate exchanges and workflow Marcia Trauernicht (10 May 2000 19:42 UTC)
ALCTs President's Program, ALA Chicago Karen Muller (10 May 2000 19:48 UTC)
Re: Duplicate exchanges and workflow Dena Luce (10 May 2000 20:47 UTC)
Re: Duplicate exchanges and workflow Marcia Trauernicht (11 May 2000 13:38 UTC)
Re: ALCTs President's Program, ALA Chicago Robert Dowd (11 May 2000 13:39 UTC)
Re: Duplicate exchanges and workflow Dena Luce (11 May 2000 18:44 UTC)
Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information Marian Dworaczek (11 May 2000 18:45 UTC)
American Antiquity vol. 31, 1965/66 David Weeks (11 May 2000 18:46 UTC)
Subscription services agreements Andrew Shroyer (11 May 2000 18:52 UTC)
Re: Duplicate exchanges and workflow Judith L. Fallon (11 May 2000 18:55 UTC)
Re: Duplicate exchanges and workflow (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (11 May 2000 21:03 UTC)
Re: Subscription services agreements Peter Picerno (11 May 2000 21:07 UTC)
Re: American Antiquity vol. 31, 1965/66 (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (11 May 2000 21:18 UTC)
Portal - Press Release from Johns Hopkins University Press Marcia Tuttle (11 May 2000 21:33 UTC)
Depository Program in Peril; Please Call Your House Member Larry Romans (11 May 2000 22:10 UTC)
Journal use studies--request for info Jane Murray (12 May 2000 14:14 UTC)
Journal use studies--request for info -Reply Dana Belcher (12 May 2000 18:19 UTC)
Re: Economist article Stevan Harnad (12 May 2000 18:21 UTC)
Re: Journal use studies--request for info -Reply Dan Lester (12 May 2000 21:49 UTC)
So. California Program Announcement: Authority Records & Issues Jina C. Wakimoto (15 May 2000 14:07 UTC)
Re: Journal use studies--request for info -Reply Jennifer Sweeney (15 May 2000 17:31 UTC)
Re: Economist article + Faustian bargain Albert Henderson (15 May 2000 21:25 UTC)
Re: Journal use studies--request for info -Reply Alfred Kraemer (15 May 2000 21:25 UTC)
Re: Journal use studies--request for info -Reply Dana Belcher (15 May 2000 21:56 UTC)
CDs with periodicals - responses to my query Caroline Dean (16 May 2000 13:47 UTC)
Re: Economist article + Faustian bargain Stevan Harnad (16 May 2000 13:47 UTC)
Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Steve Black (16 May 2000 21:34 UTC)
Re: Economist article + Faustian bargain sterling stoudenmire (17 May 2000 01:13 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (17 May 2000 01:30 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Peter Picerno (17 May 2000 14:13 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (17 May 2000 14:21 UTC)
Re: Economist article + Faustian bargain (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (17 May 2000 14:45 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Peter Picerno (17 May 2000 17:09 UTC)
NELINET ILL Spring Meeting -Reminder Ann Devenish (17 May 2000 18:12 UTC)
Where do you buy binding forms ? Maureen Beck (17 May 2000 20:25 UTC)
Re: Where do you buy binding forms ? Jean Lenville (17 May 2000 22:31 UTC)
Beverage World (ISSN 0098-2318) Susan Andrews (17 May 2000 22:31 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Albert Henderson (18 May 2000 14:04 UTC)
Re: Beverage World (ISSN 0098-2318) Jef Martin (18 May 2000 14:05 UTC)
Re: Where do you buy binding forms ? (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (18 May 2000 14:43 UTC)
Re: Where do you buy binding forms ? Amy Herman-Shoquist (18 May 2000 15:04 UTC)
Re: Beverage World (ISSN 0098-2318) Timothy Gatti (18 May 2000 15:05 UTC)
Where does the money go? Steve Black (18 May 2000 15:07 UTC)
Binding kk olatunde (18 May 2000 16:30 UTC)
Re: Beverage World (ISSN 0098-2318) Anita Martin (18 May 2000 16:33 UTC)
Volunteer for the ALCTS Booth at ALA in Chicago Virginia Inness (18 May 2000 16:37 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Kathleen Thorne (18 May 2000 18:08 UTC)
New Yorker Christina Liggins (18 May 2000 22:19 UTC)
Position Announcement: Serials Copy Cataloger, MIT Wayne Jones (18 May 2000 22:19 UTC)
Re: New Yorker (8 messages) Birdie MacLennan (19 May 2000 16:51 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (19 May 2000 17:02 UTC)
Where does the money go? Albert Henderson (19 May 2000 17:08 UTC)
Material Culture Jeanette Skwor (19 May 2000 17:08 UTC)
Re: Material Culture Maija Cravens (19 May 2000 17:57 UTC)
Minolta SP2000 Tracey Delillo (19 May 2000 19:12 UTC)
Standing Orders with DRA Acq./Serials Module M. A. Phalan (19 May 2000 20:26 UTC)
Re: Standing Orders with DRA Acq./Serials Module Pauline Bryant (22 May 2000 16:24 UTC)
Beverage world Joseph Sollitto (22 May 2000 16:24 UTC)
E-journals by e-mail Naomi Young (22 May 2000 20:35 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Albert Henderson (23 May 2000 01:31 UTC)
International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts Joanne Doucette (23 May 2000 01:32 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers David Goodman (23 May 2000 05:16 UTC)
Re: International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts Karen Nadeski (23 May 2000 05:16 UTC)
Re: Material Culture Elizabeth Martin (23 May 2000 14:35 UTC)
Re: International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts Carol Feustel (23 May 2000 14:35 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Peter Picerno (23 May 2000 18:51 UTC)
Serials check-in in Endeavor, Horizon, and Ex-Libris Edward L. Helmrich (23 May 2000 20:24 UTC)
Summary of responses to journal use study query Jane Murray (23 May 2000 20:24 UTC)
Reader's responses to online publications Jill M Hillebregt (23 May 2000 21:34 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers Donna Packer (24 May 2000 01:18 UTC)
What happens if there IS no tenure? Chris Brown-Syed (24 May 2000 03:39 UTC)
Job Description(s) for Serials Librarians Carolyn Tanen (24 May 2000 23:00 UTC)
Re: What happens if there IS no tenure? David Goodman (24 May 2000 23:01 UTC)
Subscription Agencies Sharon Tilley (24 May 2000 23:03 UTC)
Re: Harnad vs. Henderson: A view from the bleachers (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (24 May 2000 23:59 UTC)
Article on Binding Lorella P. Correo (25 May 2000 02:25 UTC)
Re: Job Description(s) for Serials Librarians Birdie MacLennan (25 May 2000 03:04 UTC)
Marcia Tuttle International Grant recipient (fwd) Rose Welton (25 May 2000 21:48 UTC)
Serials Retention and DRA Serials Module Kerstin Camenietzki (25 May 2000 21:49 UTC)
Outsourcing of alphabetization of kardex Michael Young (25 May 2000 21:49 UTC)
ImageMouse Martha Spicuzza (26 May 2000 13:48 UTC)
Re: Serials Retention and DRA Serials Module Ryan D. Parson (26 May 2000 13:49 UTC)
Serials check-in with Endeavor and Sirsi Edward L. Helmrich (26 May 2000 18:34 UTC)
Re: Serials Retention and DRA Serials Module Linda Meiseles (26 May 2000 18:34 UTC)
AddALL Book Search and Price Comparison Website Gerry Mckiernan (26 May 2000 18:34 UTC)
Re: Serials check-in with Endeavor and Sirsi Kent Abbott (26 May 2000 20:03 UTC)
Re: AddALL Book Search and Price Comparison Website Jeff Carrico (26 May 2000 20:04 UTC)
Re: Serials Retention and DRA Serials Module Ryan D. Parson (26 May 2000 20:04 UTC)
Does this strike you as odd? Mary Williams (30 May 2000 13:42 UTC)
Re: Web e-Books with Multimedia Content Gerry Mckiernan (30 May 2000 13:42 UTC)
Electronic Subscription Problems Lesley Tweddle (30 May 2000 13:45 UTC)
Updates on the 2000 ALCTS Preconference on Metadata Sally C. Tseng (30 May 2000 13:45 UTC)
Re: Does this strike you as odd? Carey Moore (30 May 2000 15:19 UTC)
Re: Does this strike you as odd? Deborah Harrell (30 May 2000 16:18 UTC)
Re: Does this strike you as odd? -Thanks Mary Williams (30 May 2000 16:20 UTC)
Re: Job Description(s) for Serials Librarians June Rutkowski (30 May 2000 16:20 UTC)
Re: Serials check-in with Endeavor and Sirsi Deborah Harrell (30 May 2000 16:22 UTC)
Position Announcement: Serials Acquisition, Univ of KY Mary McLaren (30 May 2000 17:12 UTC)
Horizon serials module M. Lou Nesson (30 May 2000 20:17 UTC)
Intialisms/Acronyms in title Elizabeth Fenwick (31 May 2000 14:25 UTC)
Evaluation for student employees Carrie Ferm (31 May 2000 15:29 UTC)
Re: Intialisms/Acronyms in title Steve Shadle (31 May 2000 15:56 UTC)
Re: Intialisms/Acronyms in title Elizabeth Fenwick (31 May 2000 18:07 UTC)
Re: Evaluation for student employees (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (31 May 2000 18:19 UTC)