Thread Index - May 1996 - SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum)

ALA & Libraries: Feature on ABC World News Tonight (fwd) Christina Bellinger (01 May 1996 18:41 UTC)
Too many claims?/Fine-tuning the claims process (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan (01 May 1996 18:55 UTC)
From serial to loose-leaf monograph to serial Richard J. Violette (01 May 1996 18:58 UTC)
GreyNet Newsletter 5, no. 2 (1996) Dominic Farace (01 May 1996 19:08 UTC)
GreyWorks'96 - U.S. Workshop on Grey Literature Dominic Farace (01 May 1996 19:11 UTC)
Re: Too many claims? / Fine-tuning the claims process Freya Anderson (01 May 1996 22:33 UTC)
Re: Full text e-journals: how do you handle them? Susan Davis (01 May 1996 22:35 UTC)
Vendacard machines Deborah Harrell (02 May 1996 19:00 UTC)
Journal of Development Studies -request for info. Debra Wynn (02 May 1996 19:02 UTC)
Journal of Modern Literature -request for info. Geraldine H. Wescott (02 May 1996 19:12 UTC)
Job postings - Serials vendor (Readmore) Amira Aaron (02 May 1996 19:13 UTC)
Too many claims?/Fine-tuning the claims process (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (02 May 1996 19:36 UTC)
Re: From serial to loose-leaf to serial J. McRee Elrod (02 May 1996 19:38 UTC)
Journal of Development Studies (6 messages) Birdie MacLennan (02 May 1996 23:46 UTC)
Journal of Modern Literature (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (02 May 1996 23:48 UTC)
Re: Too many claims? / Fine-tuning the claims process Ms. Judith D. Shaffe (02 May 1996 23:50 UTC)
Processing of Advanced Materials -request for info. Karrie Yukon (03 May 1996 16:47 UTC)
Re: Vendacard machines Jennifer Friedman (03 May 1996 16:50 UTC)
Journal of Development Studies (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (03 May 1996 17:07 UTC)
Re: Processing of Advanced Materials -request for info. Lisa Macklin (03 May 1996 20:19 UTC)
Drilling Contractor -request for info. Judy Irvin (03 May 1996 20:22 UTC)
AIM: Aids in Ministry Anne Giffey (03 May 1996 20:35 UTC)
International Journal of Manufacturing -request for info. Karrie Yukon (06 May 1996 16:54 UTC)
Re: Vendacard machines Joe Edelen, University of South Dakota (06 May 1996 16:56 UTC)
Processing of Advanced Materials (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (06 May 1996 16:59 UTC)
Claims -thanks Anne-Marie Quets (06 May 1996 17:01 UTC)
OMNI 0149-8711 -request for info. Anne Frohlich (06 May 1996 22:54 UTC)
History today -request for info. Lucy Crews (06 May 1996 22:55 UTC)
GPO continuations Laurie Roach 715-232-1898 (06 May 1996 23:00 UTC)
Thanks for help (Journal for Development Studies) Debra Wynn (07 May 1996 16:35 UTC)
OMNI 0149-8711 (20 messages) Birdie MacLennan (07 May 1996 16:59 UTC)
Re: Vendacard machines Jennifer Friedman (07 May 1996 17:43 UTC)
Re: Vendacard machines Deborah Harrell (07 May 1996 20:47 UTC)
Positions Open (West Virginia University Libraries) Birdie MacLennan (07 May 1996 20:52 UTC)
History Today (25 messages) Birdie MacLennan (07 May 1996 21:00 UTC)
History Today -Thanks Lucy Crews (07 May 1996 21:06 UTC)
OMNI 0149-8711 (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (07 May 1996 21:07 UTC)
Re: From serial to loose-leaf to serial David C. Van Hoy (08 May 1996 15:37 UTC)
Committee to Study Serials Cataloging Minutes Summary, 1/96 Carolynne Myall (08 May 1996 17:23 UTC)
Divorce -New publication? Dorothy Mrugasiewicz (08 May 1996 17:52 UTC)
U.S.News & World Report 5/13/96 Sr. Saint Edward McLaughlin (08 May 1996 17:54 UTC)
"Internet Resources for Cataloging" updates and new URL Vianne Sha (08 May 1996 22:54 UTC)
Slavic & East European Jrnl. Barbara Eastland (08 May 1996 23:02 UTC)
Water, Air & Soil Pollution Jeanette Skwor (08 May 1996 23:03 UTC)
U.S.News & World Report 5/13/96 Birdie MacLennan (08 May 1996 23:12 UTC)
Acquisitions Course Syllabus available Beth Jacoby (08 May 1996 23:13 UTC)
Re: Acquisitions Course Syllabus available Graham Black (09 May 1996 02:57 UTC)
Lilith : a feminist history journal -request for info. Judith Edwards (09 May 1996 02:58 UTC)
Cumulative indexes not in OCLC? Michael Long (09 May 1996 17:17 UTC)
Check-in of electronic journals Simon Huggard (09 May 1996 17:42 UTC)
Fwd: Re: From serial to loose-leaf to serial Richard J. Violette (09 May 1996 17:46 UTC)
Question regarding CHANGING MEN David Weeks (09 May 1996 20:48 UTC)
Older forms of microforms Dan Lester (09 May 1996 22:51 UTC)
IFLA Membership Directory online (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (10 May 1996 16:02 UTC)
Re: Older forms of microforms Margo Warner Curl (10 May 1996 16:18 UTC)
Re: Acquisitions Course Syllabus available Nancy J. Chaffin (10 May 1996 16:20 UTC)
CHANGING MEN (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (10 May 1996 16:31 UTC)
Re: Older forms of microforms Holly Hill (10 May 1996 16:44 UTC)
Rowe Com Allen Williams (10 May 1996 16:57 UTC)
Estudios Ecumenicos Pamela Wells (10 May 1996 17:18 UTC)
Re: Cumulative indexes not in OCLC? Frieda Rosenberg (10 May 1996 17:22 UTC)
REOPENED: Position Announcement (Calif. State Polytech. Univ.) Julie Swartzendruber (10 May 1996 18:21 UTC)
Re: Check-in of electronic journals Donna Packer (10 May 1996 23:11 UTC)
NASIG Conference Reminder Anne McKee (10 May 1996 23:13 UTC)
Re: Older forms of microforms Tara R Scholtz (13 May 1996 17:02 UTC)
Traditional medicine journals (fwd) John Ryder (13 May 1996 17:09 UTC)
Periodical Usage Joan Cohen (13 May 1996 21:21 UTC)
2 Professional Opportunities Nancy J. Chaffin (13 May 1996 21:22 UTC)
Need info - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Jeffrey Steely (13 May 1996 22:28 UTC)
Re: Periodical Usage John Mead (13 May 1996 22:29 UTC)
Re: Periodical Usage Margaret Hawthorn (14 May 1996 16:03 UTC)
Lilith : a feminist history journal Judith Edwards (14 May 1996 16:08 UTC)
Carswell company -request for info. B. Huizing (14 May 1996 16:10 UTC)
Journal of childrens literature -request for info. Lucy Crews (14 May 1996 16:12 UTC)
Re: Need info - Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Brad Coon (14 May 1996 16:15 UTC)
Re: Journal of childrens literature Marta Abad (14 May 1996 21:58 UTC)
Claims -Thank you Anne-Marie Quets (14 May 1996 22:05 UTC)
ACRL, Serials Interest Group, Meetign Reminder & Change Joseph Gabriel (14 May 1996 22:09 UTC)
title change: San Francisco Review Mitch Turitz (14 May 1996 22:14 UTC)
NMRT in New York City Web Page Joan Reyes (14 May 1996 22:16 UTC)
Carswell company -Reply Jim Nelson (14 May 1996 22:21 UTC)
Routing & covering costs Elizabeth Cronk (14 May 1996 22:23 UTC)
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan (14 May 1996 22:35 UTC)
Price Projections Laura Ralstin (14 May 1996 22:37 UTC)
JSCLR -request for info. (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (14 May 1996 22:42 UTC)
NOTIS Serials Listserver -Request for info (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (14 May 1996 22:47 UTC)
Re: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies-Liverpool letter 17 March'96 Geraldine H. Wescott (15 May 1996 16:58 UTC)
Re. Journal of Children's Literature (fwd) Birdie MacLennan (15 May 1996 17:01 UTC)
Vacancy at National Library of Medicine Dianne_Mccutcheon@OCCSHOST.NLM.NIH.GOV (15 May 1996 17:07 UTC)
Re: Periodical Usage Nancy Williamson (15 May 1996 17:09 UTC)
Re: Carswell company -Thanks B. Huizing (16 May 1996 02:42 UTC)
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies--two letters to subscribers Doug DeLong (16 May 1996 02:44 UTC)
UnCover Reveal users? Smith, Susan D. (WTC) (16 May 1996 03:04 UTC)
Re: UnCover Reveal users? Randi L. Ashton-Pritting (16 May 1996 15:49 UTC)
Article About Peer-Reviewed E-Journal in PACS Review 7:3 (1996) Charles Bailey, University of Houston (16 May 1996 15:49 UTC)
Position Announcements (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (16 May 1996 16:00 UTC)
"Social" - need publisher, subscription info. Di Neumeister (16 May 1996 22:14 UTC)
Untangling the Web conference papers Andrea Duda (17 May 1996 00:36 UTC)
Re: Faxon Response re. Faxon Source Invoicing Questions Barbara Eastland (17 May 1996 14:50 UTC)
Re: Faxon Source list Victoria Swinney (17 May 1996 19:13 UTC)
Cellular immunology (DEFECTIVE ISSUE) John Lucas (17 May 1996 19:17 UTC)
Video review -request for info. Kamala Narayanan (17 May 1996 21:38 UTC)
ALA Meeting: Pre-Conference on SGML SKP Associates (20 May 1996 15:19 UTC)
Human Quest -request for info. Christopher A. Corbell (20 May 1996 16:26 UTC)
Oriens Antiquus -request for info. Pamela Wells (20 May 1996 16:30 UTC)
Linguistica Biblica -request for info. Pamela Wells (20 May 1996 16:31 UTC)
Re: Video review Susan Davis (20 May 1996 16:34 UTC)
Damaged issues / missing pages Donna Sue Yanney (20 May 1996 16:36 UTC)
Duplicate exchange lists Wilita Larrison, Phillips University (20 May 1996 16:41 UTC)
Duplicate, Back Issues & Exchange Lists & Services Birdie MacLennan (20 May 1996 17:36 UTC)
Re: Video review Charles Dabkowski (20 May 1996 22:18 UTC)
Re: Human Quest -request for info. Geraldine H. Wescott (20 May 1996 22:22 UTC)
Re: Full text e-journals: how do you handle them? Carole R. Bell (20 May 1996 22:26 UTC)
Missing copies / sources for back issues Julie Sandidge (20 May 1996 22:30 UTC)
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Kevin M. Randall (20 May 1996 22:32 UTC)
Re: Damaged issues / missing pages (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (20 May 1996 22:35 UTC)
Re: Missing copies / sources for back issues Ingrid Grimes (20 May 1996 23:48 UTC)
Claiming late issues: hints for a manual system? Liz Hardley (21 May 1996 15:38 UTC)
Human Quest Beth Guay (21 May 1996 15:49 UTC)
Re: Missing copies / sources for back issues (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan (21 May 1996 16:08 UTC)
U.S. ISSN Center home page Regina Reynolds (21 May 1996 16:40 UTC)
Vacancy-Serials Cataloger-LA IV-Search Extended Sally C. Tseng (21 May 1996 19:31 UTC)
Re: Damaged issues / missing pages Mary S Hodgin (21 May 1996 19:32 UTC)
Claiming late issues: hints for a manual system (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (21 May 1996 19:35 UTC)
Human Quest Beth Guay (22 May 1996 00:03 UTC)
Re: claiming late issues: hints for a manual system Liz Hardley (22 May 1996 00:07 UTC)
Missing copies / back issues sources (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan (22 May 1996 00:24 UTC)
GIFTEX-L -address information wanted Birdie MacLennan (22 May 1996 01:25 UTC)
GIFTEX-L -New Address L-Soft list server at University of Kentucky (1.8b) (22 May 1996 04:26 UTC)
Position Vacancy -- NE Louisiana Univ. (Rebecca DiCarlo) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 13:29 UTC)
Re: GIFTEX-L subscribers (Meg Matthes) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 13:31 UTC)
Newspapers (Ingrid Grimes) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 15:47 UTC)
ALA ALCTS Pre-Order/Pre-Catalog Search DG (Barbara Albee) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 18:06 UTC)
Calliope Misnumbered? (Anne Giffey) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 18:07 UTC)
Re: Newspapers (Martha Coleman) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 21:13 UTC)
Re: GIFTEX-L (James Burgett) Ann Ercelawn (22 May 1996 22:25 UTC)
Faxon Pricing (Lucy Crews) Ann Ercelawn (23 May 1996 00:52 UTC)
Re: Newspapers (Edward McLaughlin) Ann Ercelawn (23 May 1996 18:11 UTC)
Claiming (Liz Breier) Ann Ercelawn (24 May 1996 15:25 UTC)
Re: Newspapers (Freya Anderson) Ann Ercelawn (24 May 1996 18:09 UTC)
Re: Claiming (Deborah Harrell) Ann Ercelawn (24 May 1996 21:59 UTC)
Re: Newspapers (Christine Fletcher) Ann Ercelawn (24 May 1996 22:02 UTC)
Questions about Various Titles (Danielle Argov) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 12:58 UTC)
California Imaging Seminars -- Still Time to Register Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 13:00 UTC)
Re: Theatre Design and Technology (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 16:08 UTC)
Moody's Address (Tim Lawrence) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 20:40 UTC)
Re: Moody's Address (Judy Johnson) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 22:16 UTC)
Journal of Operations Management (Steve Murden) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 22:19 UTC)
Re: Theatre Design and Technology (Nancy Hanks) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 22:20 UTC)
Nomadic Peoples (Wayne Richter) Ann Ercelawn (28 May 1996 22:31 UTC)
Re: Journal of Operations Management (Nancy Chaffin) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 02:12 UTC)
Sur : revista trimestral (Bert Huizing) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 13:15 UTC)
Re: Journal of Operations Management (3 messages) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 13:21 UTC)
Re: Moody's address (Stephen Lacey) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 18:25 UTC)
Job Posting-- Univ. of Oregon (Laine Stambaugh) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 18:27 UTC)
Re: Journal of Operations Management (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 18:31 UTC)
NASIG Conference Registration Deadline (Anne McKee) Ann Ercelawn (29 May 1996 18:34 UTC)
Re: Moody's Address (Meg Matthes) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 13:18 UTC)
Horizon Software (Isabel Trevisani) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 13:51 UTC)
GreyWorks'96 Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 13:54 UTC)
Displaying Holdings -- Thanks (Christine Malone) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 16:48 UTC)
CLA Serials Program Announcement (Wayne Jones) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 18:07 UTC)
Newspapers -- Thank you (Ingrid Grimes) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 18:26 UTC)
ILL Listserv (Eileen Goodell) Ann Ercelawn (30 May 1996 19:46 UTC)
ILL Listserv Question -- Thanks (Eileen Goodell) Ann Ercelawn (31 May 1996 13:25 UTC)
Re: Measurement & Evaluation .. (2 messages) Ann Ercelawn (31 May 1996 13:54 UTC)