Re: [SERIALST] Do you still have a current periodicals area for print subscriptions? Anita Griffith (05 Oct 2023 11:48 UTC)

Re: [SERIALST] Do you still have a current periodicals area for print subscriptions? Anita Griffith 05 Oct 2023 00:35 UTC

Good evening,

We still carry some print titles but these subscriptions seem to decrease almost every year.

When I first started, we had a designated area (complete with seating) for the current issues of various journals and magazines.  The university needed that area for new offices though so we haven't had that area (or a separate place for current issues) since 2009 or so.  Since then, our current issues have been shelved with all the other periodicals.  For space reasons, older, less used titles are in a back storage area, but most of the periodicals (including current subscriptions) are shelved next to the Reference collection.  We haven't sent our print titles to the bindery since ~2015 so current issues are just placed (usually in Princeton Files) next to the previously bound volumes of the same title.

A.D. Griffith
Library Assistant, Serials & Reference
Auburn University Montgomery


On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 7:05?AM Jason Skoog <> wrote:
Do you still have a current periodicals area for print subscriptions? Do you still have print subscriptions at all, whether current subscriptions or older discontinued subscriptions.
We are a small university library. Our overall print usage is very low. We only have 12 print journals left because the faculty prefers these titles to be in print. I am questioning if we should have a dedicated space to the current issues, or just shelve current issues in our "back periodicals" area, which we would rename to just "Periodicals."
Jason Skoog
Archives and Systems Librarian
Viterbo University