North Carolina Serials Conference, March 2000 Eleanor Cook 11 Dec 1999 02:50 UTC

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        "Catalytic Conversions -- Pinpointing Impetus for Change"

                        March 16th-17th, 2000

        The William and Ida Friday Continuing Education Center
                           Chapel Hill, NC


Thursday, March 16th, 2000

8:30 - 9:00     Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 9:15     Welcome and Introduction

9:15 - 10:15    Keynote Address:
                Peter Boyce
                Electronic Publishing Consultant
                American Astronomical Society

Users want clusters of relevant information: short, inter-linked,
authoritative information modules. Users want assured access to the full
range of electronic features. As if that weren't hard enough, the basic
structure of information is changing. What routes can publishers and
librarians travel together in the electronic era to keep the scholarly
community from descending into chaos?  This thought-provoking introduction
to the topic is sure to "rev up" our mental engines as we begin our
journey to solutions.

10:15 -  10:45  Refuel Your Tank (Break)

10:45 - 11:45   Concurrent  Session One

                A.  Road Rage: Deselection Revisited

                Chuck Hamaker

Whether budget tightening is a constant companion or an occasional visitor
we all face the challenges and demands of increasing costs for materials
-- colliding with budgets that cannot keep up.  How many times are you
buying Time magazine?  How many formats do you need?   Are you facing
budget cuts?    Come find out about new strategies to address these
challenging issues!

                B.  Disaster Preparedness: Is Your Pit Crew Ready?

                Winston Atkins                  Andrew Hart
                NC State University             UNC-Chapel Hill

Hurricanes, mold, insect infestations, are you prepared to handle
situations that can damage or destroy your collection?  Join these experts
to learn more about what you can do to protect and/or salvage your
collection when disaster strikes.

                C.  Cruising with CORC

                Bao-Chu Chang
                NC State University

Learn about OCLC's Cooperative Online Resource Catalog (CORC) program and
how your library can particpate.

12:00 - 1:00    Buffet Luncheon in the Trillium Room, The Friday Center

1:00 - 1:45:    Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Meeting the Needs of Your
                Customer Base

                Mary Page
                Rutgers University
                Sponsored by the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG)

The challenge of providing public access to serials is becoming ever more
complex.  Increasingly, staff who manage serials are also expected to
assist patrons in finding them.  How do staff who have traditionally
worked "behind the scenes" make the transition?  What skills do our staff
need now and for the future?  What makes an effective training program?
These are just some of the challenges facing serialists who also work
directly with the public.

2:00 - 3:00     Concurrent Sessions

                Repeat Morning Concurrent Sessions

3:00 - 3:30     Pit Stop (Break)

3:30 - 4:30     Tune-up Technical Services: Issues in Reorganization
                -A Symposium

                Rick Anderson                   Eleanor Cook,
                UNC-Greensboro                  Appalachian State University

                Susan Kerr                      Mary Page - Panel Reactor
                Davidson College                        Rutgers University

This panel will identify trends that drive the need for library technical
service departments to consider reorganization. We'll touch on topics such
as outsourcing, staffing changes, and shifts in workflow due to a greater
emphasis on electronic products.  How does the serials manager in the
midst of such change cope, survive and thrive?

4:30 - 5:00     Down-shifting

Take advantage of an opportunity to network, discuss issues with
colleagues, and decide where to go for dinner!

Friday, March 17, 2000

8:30 - 9:00     Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30    Fill'er up: Bundling purchases and products

                Adam Chesler                    Amy Dykeman
                Kluwer                          SOLINET

                David Goodman                   Mary Sue Hoyle
                Princeton University            EBSCO

Publishers and vendors are bundling ejournals into subscription packages.
Library consortia are bundling libraries together for better prices in
electronic purchases.   What are the advantages and disadvantages?   How
does bundling affect selectivity, library budgets, user service?   Join
this panel for perspectives on this transforming method of library

10:45 - 11:30   Concurrent Sessions

                A.      Luxury model pricing and economy budgets: Working
it out with the Vendors

                Susan Davis
                Sponsored by the North American Serials Interest Group

The road to electronic journal nirvana is paved with numerous pitfalls:
potholes, roadblocks, toll barriers and construction zones.  An
experienced (but not expert!) serials librarian will describe some of the
routes to develop an acquisitions roadmap to successfully navigate the
electronic journal expressway.

                B.      Driving an Access Catalog

                Claire Dygert
                American University

The dynamic nature of Web-based information resources presents new
challenges to librarians which traditional approaches often can't answer.
This quickly becomes apparent when one attempts to describe, organize and
make Web-based resources accessible to the user community. This session
will explore the challenges of the fragmentation of access points between
the catalog, library web pages, and faculty web pages, and its implication
for the researcher. The development of an access catalog for organizing
Web-based resources will be explored as a method for meeting some of these

                C.      Accelerating with NCLive

                Linda Simmons Henry             Jean Williams
                St. Augustine's College         NC A&T State University

Come check out the features of next year's model from these members of
the NC LIVE Publicity Advisory Committee.

11:30 - 12:00     Wrapping it UP


Current cliches contend that the only constant is change.  The purpose of
this conference is to give persons involved with Serials opportunities to
take an introspective look at the catalysts for creative solutions to
change.  Experts in the Serials arena will identify factors involved with
proactive rather than reactive strategies to address future issues as
changes occur.


The program will be held at The William and Ida Friday Continuing
Education Center.  The Friday Center offers state-of-the-art teaching
facilities in a comfortable and attractive environment conducive to
learning.  Services available at The Friday Center include a message desk
at 919-962-3000, a gift shop and espresso bar, lounge areas, and a walking
trail.  Smoking is not permitted in the building, but is allowed on the
patios.  Parking at The Friday Center is free for program participants and
public bus service is available.  A map is available at


The program registration fee is $100.  The fee includes continental
breakfast, breaks and Thursday's lunch.  Enrollment is limited and is on a
first-come, first-served basis.  When capacity is reached, registrants
will be placed on a waiting list.


Participants may stay in the hotel of their choice.  Several hotels
offering a variety of amenities are available in the immediate vicinity.
The Best Western University Inn is closest to The Friday Center,
approximately one mile away.  The room rate for two double beds is $72
(15th) & $79 (16th) respectively, plus applicable taxes.  (Rates do not
include the hotel's continental breakfast.)  Register with the hotel by
Feb. 15, 2000 to receive these special rates.  The telephone number for
the Best Western University Inn is 919-932-3000.


For further information contact Cheryl Reddish or Wanda Rascoe at
NCCU:  919-560-6485 (voice) or 919-560-6402 (fax) or

A Special Thank You is Extended to Those Who Helped Make This Conference

Educational Sponsors:               NC Serials Conference Planning Committee:

North Carolina Central University               Evelyn Council, Chair
School of Library and Information Sciences

                                                Eleanor Cook
North American Serials Interest Group   
Continuing Education Committee                  Rebecca Floyd
Corporate Sponsors:                             Nancy Gibbs
Bell and Howell Information and Learning        Carol Nicholson
EBSCO Subscription Services             
FAXON-ROWECOM Academic Services                 Cheryl Reddish
Heckman Bindery, Inc                    
ICI/Southeast Library Bindery                   Jeri Van Goethem
Swets Blackwell               

                                REGISTRATION FORM

                "Catalytic Conversions -- Pinpointing Impetus for Change"

                              March 16th-17th, 2000

Please print or type your name as it should appear on your name tag and
program roster:




Mailing Address:

City:_______________________State:____Zip Code:______

Phone______________    __________________
     Work              Fax


Registration Fee:  $100

Payment must accompany registration.  Make checks payable to NCCU/SLIS
and mail with registration to:

School of Library & Information Sciences
North Carolina Central University
PO Box 19586
Durham, NC  27707

     %                                                                 %
     %  Carol Avery Nicholson          Kathrine R. Everett Law Library %
     %  Assistant Director for         University of North Carolina    %
     %  Bibliographic and Collection   CB# 3385                        %
     %  Resources                      Chapel Hill, NC  27599          %
     %                                 Tel:  919/962-1199              %
     %        Fax:  919/962-2294              %
     %                                                                 %