---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:33:34 -0500
From: Jim Flury <jflury@TLN.LIB.MI.US>
Subject: Re: Subscription problems (Anne Stovall)
We too have had this problem for years, using Faxon, Turner, etc. It
doesn't seem to make any difference. We blame the vendors, the vendors
always blame the fulfillment house, the fulfillment house blames the
publisher, etc.
On a related note:
We recently received our annual invoices from our subscription vendor,
and were quite surprised to see that nearly all of our lists for
all of our libraries were renewed for one year only, in spite of the fact
that many of our libraries were in fact set up to renew for multiple year
subscriptions. When I spoke to our vendor, they indicated that due to
problems with their fulfillment house, most subscriptions were being
converted over to one year renewals only.
Have any other libraries experienced this problem?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 12:03:52 -0600
> From: Anne Stovall <astovall@LIB.OAK-LAWN.IL.US>
> Subject: Re: Subscription problems (Sarah Christenson)
> Hi Sarah
> This is not only a problem with Ebsco, but other serials vendors as well. We
> use both Ebsco and Turner and I have this problem every year but not on all of
> our subscriptions are start to early, just enough to drive you crazy :@ . I
> just have the vendors claim those titles with the publisher as an early start
> and to verify are expiration date. I know this is a headache to go through
> this every year, but when I mentioned this to the vendors they say it is the
> publishers fault.
> Good luck and now you know you why there are a lot of job postings for serials
> librarians. LOL
> ann
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 13:18:58 -0500
> > From: Sarah Christenson <siracksa@OPLIN.LIB.OH.US>
> > Subject: Subscription problems
> >
> > Hi!
> > I am trying to find out if any other libraries have had this problem. We
> > use EBSCO as our serials vendor. This year, when we sent in our renewal
> > list, somehow most of the publishers interpreted them as new subscriptions
> > rather than renewals. This has resulted in a number of early start dates
> > and duplicate subscriptions. Which will, next year, result in early expire
> > dates. If you have experienced a similar problem, please let me know.
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Sarah Christenson
> > siracksa@oplin.lib.oh.us
> > Processing Supervisor
> > Geauga County Public Library
> > 12701 Ravenwood Dr.
> > Chardon, OH 44024
> > (440) 286-6811 ext.120
Jim Flury, Head of Acquisitions Services 734-281-3830
The Library Network fax 734-281-1817
TLN Building e-mail jflury@tln.lib.mi.us
13331 Reeck Road
Southgate, MI 48195