Re: CQ Researcher & Weekly
Pennington, Buddy 20 Dec 1999 14:38 UTC
That's right, Leslie. There are also difference in the CQ Weekly prices
based on whether you get the full service or not. I don't know if there are
discounts for consortial members or not. That may also be a factor in the
different prices. I have received several responses that indicate $763 for
the year 2000 subscription, so I have some peace of mind now.
Buddy Pennington
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Rockhurst University Greenlease Library
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Lanzieri [mailto:llanzier@PROVIDENCE.EDU]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: CQ Researcher & Weekly
I think there may be some confusion regarding subscriptions to CQ
publications. Our library has two separate subscriptions, one for CQ
Researcher at $396.00 and one for CQ Weekly at $763.00. A message from
Julia Franklin noted the CQ Researcher rate while the message from Buddy
Pennington listed the CQ Weekly subscription rate. Two separate titles.
Leslie A. Lanzieri
Providence College
Phillips Memorial Library
Providence, RI 02918