Re: Standard Corporation Descriptions (Karen Chobot) Marcia Tuttle 16 Nov 1999 16:42 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 10:05:11 -0600
From: Karen Chobot <chobot@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Standard Corporation Descriptions (Donna Sue Yanney)

I, too, would appreciate some comment on this item.  We had a mixup in
acquisitions over the summer and somehow missed any information which came
out on the change here.  When the subscription was reinstated, we had a
confusing new format.  Any help would be appreciated, so please include me
in any responses.  Thank you, Karen.

At 04:07 PM 11/15/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 15:22:34 -0500
>From: Donna Sue Yanney <dyanney@MAIL.GCSU.EDU>
>Subject: Standard Corporation Descriptions
>I'm having one of those hair pulling out days ...
>For some reason the "title" change from Standard corporation descriptions
>to Standard corporation descriptions has given me all kinds of headaches.
>I'm finding this change especially problematic.  In its old incarnation,
>issues were kept until superceded; in its new incarnation--well, I'm not
>sure, they may be superceded with a bound set at the end of the year.
>Anyway, I still have pieces on the shelf that "belong" under the old title
>(although their days are numbered), but it would be so much simpler to
>process in my ILS (Voyager) if I overlaid the old record with the new.
>So my dilemma is ease of use on the one hand and bibliographic correctness
>on the other.  How have you all handled this title change?  Up until the
>recent change of Moody's to Mergent I'm not sure that I'd handled a title
>change in a loose leaf type of publication, and I guess I'm still not sure
>of all the rules.  If anyone has any generic pointers to share with me on
>this type of title change, I'd appreciate those as well.
>Thanks much,
>Donna Sue Yanney, Serials Librarian
>Ina Dillard Russell Library
>Georgia College & State University
>Campus Box 043
>Milledgeville, GA  31061
>Voice   912.445.5573
>Fax      912.445.6847
>"There's no place like home."  --Dorothy
Karen M. Chobot, MS, MLS
Reference/Serials Librarian
Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 N. 6th St.
Wahpeton ND 58076

"I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and
outside the conventions and humdrum routine of daily life."  Sherlock
Holmes, in "The Red-Headed League."