Re: Inflation rate for periodicals (David Fisher) Marcia Tuttle 15 Nov 1999 21:02 UTC

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Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:37:07 -0800
From: david_fisher@UCSDLIBRARY.UCSD.EDU
Subject: Re: Inflation rate for periodicals (Carol Resco)


     Ebsco will summarize your account impact if you ask them showing the
     total number of titles impacted, the dollar total being charged, and
     the percentage rate impact on the invoice total. I supervise renewals
     for medical, oceanography and engineering collections and the overall
     impact on our science collections was 0.10859%. The impact varied from
     a low of .0624% for our medical list to a high of .235%  for the
     oceanography collection.  We haven't reviewed the inflation rates for
     each collection yet because renewals haven't been posted. We judged
     the impact to be statistically insignificant. Smaller collections may
     see greater impacts.

     David (Dave) Fisher
     Science Acquisitions Coordinator
     Geisel Library/Acquisitions Department
     University of California, San Diego

     (858) 822-1004   voice
     (858) 534-1256   Fax
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Inflation rate for periodicals (Carol Resco)
Author:  "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
<SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU> at {ucsdhub}
Date:    11/12/1999 2:26 PM

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:13:55 -0800
From: Carol Resco <resco@ADMIN.OGI.EDU>
Subject: Inflation rate for periodicals

Has anyone done a review of the inflation rate for their journal
collection for 2000. I read the Ebsco claim that inflation would be
9-11% but just did the calculation for my collection and the
inflation is 13% on my Ebsco titles. Interestingly, the inflation rate
on my titles from Harrassowitz was only 7.67%.

Am I getting the higher number because we're a sci-tech library?
Carol S. Resco
Director of Library Services
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
20000 NW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97006-8921
(503) 748-1060
(503) 748-1029 FAX