Re: Inflation rate for periodicals (Julie Simoneaux) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Nov 1999 22:25 UTC

Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:18:57 -0500
From: "Simoneaux, Julie" <jsimoneaux@ECRI.ORG>
Subject: Re: Inflation rate for periodicals (Carol Resco)


You should have received a note from EBSCO that they are now charging $6 per
each non-discount title.  This will make your inflation rate go up.  I don't
imagine that many science publishers will take a discount rate.

Just one of many reasons we have dropped EBSCO as our supplier.


Julia Simoneaux (
Serials Librarian
ECRI, a not-for-profit health services research agency
5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
(610) 825-6000 V Ext. 5184
(610) 834-7366 F

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu [SMTP:ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 3:26 PM
> Subject:      Inflation rate for periodicals (Carol Resco)
> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 10:13:55 -0800
> From: Carol Resco <resco@ADMIN.OGI.EDU>
> Subject: Inflation rate for periodicals
> Has anyone done a review of the inflation rate for their journal
> collection for 2000. I read the Ebsco claim that inflation would be
> 9-11% but just did the calculation for my collection and the
> inflation is 13% on my Ebsco titles. Interestingly, the inflation rate
> on my titles from Harrassowitz was only 7.67%.
> Am I getting the higher number because we're a sci-tech library?
> *****************************************************************
> Carol S. Resco
> Director of Library Services
> Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
> 20000 NW Walker Road
> Beaverton, OR 97006-8921
> (503) 748-1060
> (503) 748-1029 FAX
> *****************************************************************