Re: Time stats (Jennifer Sweeney) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 11 Nov 1999 19:28 UTC

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 09:46:07 -0800
From: Jennifer Sweeney <jsweeney@LIBPO.UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Time stats (Jeanette Skwor)


I haven't had the *pleasure* of having to actually do this, but I worked
with the data that was produced from it.  Don't know if you have the time
for this either, but here's one approach, which was used for estimating
staff costs for specific interlibrary loan tasks in a survey we did long

Warning:  the following contains some MATH!  :)  but it's not
rocket science (apologies to actual rocket scientists out there).

The basic concept is that you make up a form wherein you list as many
discrete tasks as possible associate with processing one item, in the
order they are performed, with a space for the amount of time each took.
Have your staff monitor the amount of time each task takes--in
MINUTES--and write it down.  I'm not sure how long you need to do this
survey, but it should be long enough so you can get a reasonable average
for each task.

(Staff will think this is silly, big-brotherish, or interesting.
Ultimately you may find that they focus more on what they are doing, and
may actually think up some more efficient ways of doing things.
Approaching them this way --ie enlisting their help in improving
something--may heighten their interest in the project as well...)

Add up all your averages for your discrete tasks associated with
processing an individual item, and multiply by the number of items you
process in a day/week/month/whatever time period you choose.

You will need to factor in, as best you can, the problem tasks that take
longer than the average.  Estimate how many of those problems you might
get in a year/month/week/whatever.  Estimate (using your common sense
probably more than your calculator) how much time you want to allow to
account for these and add that in to the above.

Good luck!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jennifer Sweeney
Library analyst

Shields Library
100 North West Quad
University of California
Davis, CA 95616

Phone:  (530) 752-5819
FAX:    (530) 752-6899

> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 10:22:34 -0600
> From: "Skwor, Jeanette" <skworj@UWGB.EDU>
> Subject: Time stats
> I have just been given the challenge of reporting the amount of time my
> department spends on various things throughout the year.  For various
> categories (workflow planning, titles ordered, issues received, claimed
> items,bindery items) I am to list the number of occurrances per year, the
> amount of time per occurrence and then translate that into Time Required In
> Hours.  I have the number of occurrences all right, and will be able to
> figure out the Time Required In Hours, but -- amount of time per occurrence?
> Has anyone else dealt with this, and can you give me a quick course in how
> you did it?  I have until Monday to get this turned in!  Yikes!
>  Jeanette Skwor     Cofrin Library     Serials Dept.
> University of WI-Green Bay
> Phone: (920) 465-2670       Fax: (920) 465-2783