Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:49:07 -0500 From: "Jean L. Hirons" <jhir@LOC.GOV> Subject: CONSER patterns experiment: Deadline extended (fwd) Dear colleagues, On October 27, 1999, I sent an invitation to paritipcate in the CONSER experiment to add publcation patterns to CONSER records, an important activity of the CONSER Task Force on Publication Patterns and Holdings. We have already received some applications as well as enthusiastic feedback indicating strong interest in the overall objectives of the Task Force, especially from the library system vendor community. We seek broad participation in the experiment to add pattern data to CONSER records and toward that end, we are extending the dealine for applications to December 1, 1999. If you have not already submitted an application, please read the information below, visit the CONSER web site for details, and sign up now to participate! Sally Sinn Chair, CONSER Task Force on Publication Patterns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Have you just implemented a new ILS or are you contemplating doing so in the near future? If so, you will know that the check-in records carefully constructed under one system often do not convey to the new system. You may also be experiencing predictive check-in for the first time and the need to establish publication patterns for serials. Wouldn't it be great if the CONSER record, which contains the bibliographic data, also contained the needed publication pattern to establish the check-in record? The CONSER Task Force on Publication Patterns and Holdings is hoping to make this a reality. In order to get started, OCLC will seed' the CONSER database with existing caption and pattern data from several large libraries. They will also be defining a new local 891 field that will contain the MARC 853 and 863 fields. The task force is planning to run an experiment whereby CONSER members and newly-established CONSER Enhance members will add or update the existing pattern data in CONSER records. As the newly-appointed chair of the task force, I am inviting your institution to participate in this important experiment. What's involved? * The capability of adding the MARC data to OCLC records, either through copy/paste from your local system or direct input. Following the instructions that will be posted on the CONSER web * site. * Authorization to add the data to CONSER records via the CONSER * Enhance membership level. * Receiving an OCLC credit for each record updated. * Providing feedback on the contribution and uses of this data to task force members. One of our goals is participation by institutions representing as many system vendors as possible in order to determine differences and capabilities among systems. Task force members realize that reaching the overall goal of pattern/holdings data that can be shared among systems and migrate to a new system will not be easy and will take time. With that in mind, separate groups within the task force will be investigating current local system usage of the MARC Holdings Format (MFHD), whether there are deficiencies in the MFHD, and the needs of libraries. The task force charge and a FAQ about the CONSER initiative and experiment are available on the CONSER Web site at: We anticipate the experiment to last two years with a review and assessment after the first year. Instructions for participants in the experiment are currently under development by Frieda Rosenberg and others on the task force and will also be available on the CONSER Web site. To apply, fill out the form below and return to JEAN HIRONS by Nov. 26. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS LIST. If you have further questions and would like to discuss the experiment and your potential involvement, please feel free to contact either me or Jean. We look forward to hearing from you. Sally Sinn Chair, CONSER Task Force on Publication Patterns and Holdings Associate Director, Technical Services Division National Agricultural Library (301) 504-7294 Jean Hirons CONSER Coordinator Library of Congress (202) 707-5947 **************************************************************************** * APPLICATION FOR CONSER ENHANCE MEMBERSHIP TO ADD/UPDATE 891 FIELDS IN CONSER RECORDS ON OCLC Name of institution: ___________________________________________ Type of institution (e.g., academic, law, medical, etc.) _______________________________ Local system used/to be used: _______________________________________ (if not currently in use, when do you anticipate implementation? __________) Number of serials controlled: __________ Contact person: ____________________________ Phone: _________ Fax: __________ Email: _________ Describe how you anticipate participating in the experiment (e.g., how would 891 data be ascertained and added to records; how could data found in a record be used?) SEND TO: JEAN HIRONS Jean Hirons CONSER Coordinator Library of Congress 202-707-5947 fax 202-707-6333