Outsourcing cataloging of e-journals (Adolfo Tarango) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 08 Nov 1999 17:41 UTC

Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 07:42:40 -0800
From: Adolfo R Tarango <tarango@ADMIN.UNR.EDU>
Subject: Outsourcing cataloging of e-journals

  I was wondering if anyone is outsourcing cataloging of their electronic
journals?  This includes "stand alone" e-journals and those available from
full text database providers such as Lexis/Nexis and ProQuest. If you are,
who are you using and are you having to augment or modify those records.

        Adolfo R. Tarango
        Serials Catalog Librarian
        University Library/322
        University of Nevada, Reno
        Reno, Nevada  89557-0044
        (775) 784-6500  ext. 263