Re: Friday morning puzzler (Maija Cravens) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 05 Nov 1999 18:37 UTC

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 11:09:09 -0600
From: Maija Cravens <mscravens@MAIL.SHSW.WISC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Friday morning puzzler (Donna Sue Yanney)

I love puzzles! I'm guessing this would be:  Angewandte Chemie
(International edition)

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 09:04:18 -0500
From: Donna Sue Yanney <dyanney@MAIL.GCSU.EDU>
Subject: Friday morning puzzler

I read on this list recently that most serialists like mystery novels and
puzzles.  I am no exception. However, I'm just coming back from a seven day
vacation and don't have the time to play with this the way I'd like.
However, for those of you who like a challenge, read on.

We received in the mail someday in the past two weeks a standard
yellow/beige mailing envelope, 12x9 inches, from Publications Expediting
Inc.  The USPS has stamped this envelope "Received Without Contents."  At
the top of the mailing label appear the words "WILEY  2002  Vol 38 Iss 20
Copies:   1".  It will eventually I'm sure turn up on a claims list, so I'm
not too worried.  But it seems too good a puzzle to pass over.

I would love to offer a nifty prize to the first person who can tell me
what the title of the missing publication is.  However, all I can offer is
a thank you.

Thank you!



Donna Sue Yanney, Serials Librarian
Ina Dillard Russell Library
Georgia College & State University
Campus Box 043
Milledgeville, GA  31061

Voice   912.445.5573
Fax      912.445.6847

"There's no place like home."  --Dorothy
