---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:14:02 -0900
From: Rose Welton <rose_welton@EED.STATE.AK.US>
Subject: Fwd: pnla-l Margaret Chisholm
>Dear Colleagues,
>It is with great sadness that I inform you that Margaret Chisholm, director
>of the School of Library and Information Science at the University of
>Washington from 1981 to 1992 and a graduate of the University of
>Washington (BA '57, MLS '58, PhD '66), died this past Saturday.
>Margaret was an exceptional person - dedicated to this School, the
>University of Washington, and our field. Her distinguished career included
>her election to president of the American Library Association for the
>1987-88 term; Margaret was an active, involved president and brought a great
>deal of attention to librarianship and its importance. Margaret also served
>on the National Planning Committee for the White House Conference on Library
>and Information Services. She authored several important books and many
>articles on librarianship.
>Margaret was known for her vision and her ability to touch people as
>individuals. She was a close personal and professional friend to many,
>including me. I first came in contact with Margaret through my work with
>the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology - she was a member of our
>National Advisory Board. Margaret was always looking to push the limits-to
>expand scope and influence. Also, she was always a strong advocate for the
>School of Library and Information Science and the UW. She took great
>personal interest and pride in the current transformation of the School of
>Library and Information Science. I can tell you that Margaret's strong
>(and continual) lobbying, encouragement and support were major factors in
>my coming to the UW. It wasn't easy to say no to Margaret Chisholm. I
>often sought her advice, and I know that other faculty did as well. We
>will all miss her a great deal.
>Margaret's personal slogan and the one that she made famous during her time
>as president of the ALA was "Motivate, inspire, and lead." Margaret felt
>that motivating, inspiring, and leading was the responsibility of every
>librarian and information professional. She certainly lived this motto as
>well. In remembrance of this extraordinary leader and her gifts to the
>field of library and information science, the "Margaret Chisholm Motivate,
>Inspire, and Lead Fund" has been established by Margaret's daughters Nancy
>and Jan, both of whom are librarians themselves. This fund, created through
>the School of Library and Information Science, will be used to bring
>important leaders in the field of librarianship to the School of Library and
>Information Science to inspire the next generation of librarians.
>All of us who knew Margaret are better off for it. And those of you who did
>not know her, are affected as well-through her school-our school-and her
>field-the library and information field. I encourage you, in her honor, to
>take a moment today to reflect and celebrate a great person.
>Mike Eisenberg
>School of Library and Information Science
>University of Washington
>If you wish to contribute to the Margaret Chisholm Motivate, Inspire, and
>Lead Fund, please send checks made out to the University of Washington to:
>Carrie Lowe
>Assistant to the Director
>School of Library and Information Science
>University of Washington
>Box 352930
>Seattle, WA 98195-2930
>email: calowe@u.washington.edu
>Please write "Chisholm Fund" in the memo line of your check.
>Mike Eisenberg <mbe@u.washington.edu>
>Director and Professor
>School of Library and Information Science
>University of Washington
>Box 352930, Seattle, WA 98195-1237
>ph. (206) 543-1794 fax: (206) 616-3152