Re: International Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis ... (Joseph Sollitto) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 02 Nov 1999 21:33 UTC

Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 12:14:52 -0500
From: Joseph Sollitto <sollitto@FAXON.COM>
Subject: Re: International Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis and
 Psychotherapy (Marie Schultz)


Further research has managed to locate the publisher of this journal.  Dr,
Irving Weisberg, the editor, may be reached at:

                        315 Central Park W, Suite 1A
                        New York, NY 10025

                        Telephone 212-595-3530

Dr. Weisberg has confirmed that the current issue is v.13:no.1 (1998), no.2
and 3 will be out by the end of the year, and that v.14, 1999 will be
published during 2000.

The current price is $28.00 per year.

As fulfillment arrangements "are in flux", Dr. Weisberg suggests that any
orders or inquiries be directed to him.
This journal has apparently ceased as all attempts to find information
about it have been in vain. For this reason status and/or the final part
cannot be confirmed.

The last address on file agrees with the address in MARC:

                International Society for Communicative
                Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy
                1932 First Avenue #906
                Seattle, WA 98101-1040

and a check with Seattle information seeking a telephone number or new
address has met with no success.

>>Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 11:15:23 -0500
>>From: "Schultz, Marie" <MSchultz@IMMACULATA.EDU>
>>Subject: International Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis and Psychot
>> herapy
>> I am writing to ask if any one has received the International Journal of
>>Communicative Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy for 1998 or 1999.  This is a
>>title we would like to receive, but I have had no luck ordering it through
>>Ebsco.  We order it every year, (and receive credit every year).  It is on
>>our Ebsco invoice, and I am trying to decide if I should cancel it from
>>there, and try to order it direct. If any one has recent publisher
>>information for this title, please send it to me at
>>  Thank you,
>>  Marie Schultz
>>  Serials/Reference Librarian
>>  Immaculata College  Gabriele Library
>>  Immaculata, PA  19345-0705
Joseph Sollitto, Editor
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