Re: Electronic pages in Pediatrics -- Diane Drew Stephen D. Clark 27 Oct 1999 07:45 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Electronic pages in Pediatrics -- John Lucas
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 08:04:27 +0800
From: "Drew, Diane" <>


Our library has discussed this problem at length and at present are:

1. Not binding the electronic green pages as on a Medline search these
identified by   e   before the page number and our clients have access
Pediatrics electronically.

2. Printing the electronic supplements which are paginated but not
with the  actual volume. We spiral bind these but insert a page in the
volume at the appropriate page directing patrons  to the spiral volume.

For me this is a major problem. I see these electronic  supplements from
Pediatrics as being the tip of the  iceberg. Circulation is now
electronic pages and it won't be long before other journals follow suit.
have no problem with electronic pages per se as long as they don't form
of the pagination sequence. For a small library with few staff, we can
cope with the extra work load involved in printing out  extensive

I. too am interested in how other libraries are handling this issue.

Diane Drew
Princess Margaret Hospital for Children
GPO Box D184
Perth  Western Australia  6001

Tel +61 8 9340 8376   Fax +61 8 9382 3055

> ----------
> From:         Stephen D. Clark[]
> Reply To:     SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> Sent:         Tuesday, 26 October 1999 16:46
> Subject:      Electronic pages in Pediatrics -- John Lucas
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Electronic pages in Pediatrics
> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 08:28:44 -0600
> From: John Lucas <>
> I would like to hear from libraries subscribing to AND BINDING the
> journal Pediatrics and how they are handling the 'Pediatrics electronic
> pages' that appear in each issue.
> Background:
> With volume 99, 1997, Pediatrics began publishing special 'Green Pages'
> in the monthly issues.  In part the preface on these green pages reads:
> "Pediatrics electronic pages is the internet section of the journal
> PEDIATRICS, providing additional original pediatric research over the
> WEB. ... These articles are indexed in Index Medicus, MEDLINE, and
> PubMed, among other services. Abstracts of articles in PEDIATRICS
> electronic pages appear in every issue of PEDIATRICS in this section,
> wihch is differentiated by special green pages.  The complete original
> articles are only available onlijne.
> Originally we bound the individual issues and supplements, leaving these
> 'electronic articles' alone.  I am revisiting this question in light of
> the publisher making entire 'Electronic ONLY Supplements' which are
> paged continuously with the volume. These must be printed out and bound
> with the issues (we do) OR insert a page indicating that these indexed
> articles are only available online.
> Question:  Before the volume goes to the bindery, do you print the
> entire articles in the 'Green Pages'?
> IF SO, where do you place it in the bound volume? (a. After each issue /
> b. End of the bound unit (ie Jan and Feb. with those issues / c. a
> separate volume)?
> Please present your thoughts to the list directly so all may see how
> this is being handled.
> Thank you for taking the time to read this.
> John Lucas
> Serials Librarian
> University of Mississippi Medical Center
> 2500 North State St
> Jackson, MS 39216-4505
> (PH) (601) 984-1277