Re: Interview questions (George Janczyn) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 29 Oct 1999 20:47 UTC

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:34:54 -0700
From: "George J. Janczyn" <gjanczyn@UCSD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Interview questions (2 messages)

During an interview, not describing something in detail might mean the
candidate doesn't know about details; but then again it might mean the
person just isn't a great storyteller.  In a real work situation a person
has more time to plan and consult and document details of a project--it
doesn't all have to be done in a minute or two as during an interview under
pressure where such details may or may not come easily to mind, especially
with a shy personality.

For strong evidence of attention to detail, look to the written application
and what the references have to say.

I like the question, though, because it's relevant and the answer could help
validate your overall impression.

George J. Janczyn   Technical Services Automated Systems Manager
Geisel Library, University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, DEPT 0175K, La Jolla, CA 92093
858-534-1282       FAX: 858-822-0349

> -----Original Message-----

> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:56:27 -0400
> From: Sherry Petry <spetry@CE1.AF.PUBLIC.LIB.GA.US>
> Subject: Re: Inteview questions -- Jerri Swinehart
> Jerri, I have limited experience with interviewing, but I always ask a
> question aimed ata candidate's appreciation for details.  I
> usually ask
> them to tell me about a project or work situation that
> required them to
> focus on details whether at work or from personal experience.  You can
> tell a lot from the experience that they select and how they
> describe it.
> If they can't describe it in detail, they don't know about details!
> Sherry Petry                  
> Periodicals Department                  404-730-1917
> Atlanta-Fulton Public Library
> 1 Margaret Mitchell Sq.
> Atlanta, GA  30303
>         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                 Opinions expressed are my own and do
>                 not represent the Atlanta-Fulton
>                 Public Library