Fwd: FW: Drugs & drug abuse education newsletter -- Joanna Tousley
Stephen D. Clark 27 Sep 1999 12:53 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: Drugs & drug abuse education newsletter
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:27:42 +0200
From: Joanna Tousley-Escalante <J.Tousley@IAEA.ORG>
Dear colleagues,
Our vendor for the above named title indicates that many users are
why we are not receiving issues. Our last issue received was the issue
v.28:no.6/7 (1997:Jun/Jul). I have just checked Ulrich's and it is
listed as an active subscription.
Can anyone confirm for us whether or not this title is still being
published? What are the latest issues received in other libraries?
We are very appreciative of any news and assistance that you can offer.
Joanna Tousley-Escalante
* Head, TSU
* VIC Library - IAEA
* Vienna, Austria
* j.tousley@iaea.org
* 431 2600-22624