Re: Two discontinued/suspended titles -seeking additional info. Biserka Mrzljak 21 Sep 1999 20:33 UTC

The University of Western Ontario received Présence francophone, issue
number 53, coverage 1999 on Sep. 2, 1999.

Biserka Mrzljak
Cataloguing Liaison Librarian for Serials
Technical Services
University of Western Ontario
tel. 519 679-2111 x4829

Joyce Nelson wrote:
> Greetings y'all!
> I just received our library's Customized Bulletin of Serials Changes from
> our vendor.  Two titles we subscribe to were mentioned as
> discontinued/suspended.
> PRESENCE FRANCOPHONE was noted as discontinued, but discontinued date was
> listed as UNKNOWN. The last issue received in this library was issue
> number 52 with the cover date 1998.  Has anybody received anything more
> recent?
> Also WEST AFRICA was listed as PUBLISHING SUSPENDED. Our last issue was
> the January 18th issue for this year which was issue 4201.  Again, I was
> hoping someone could tell me if there was something more recent. The
> vendor's note said the suspension was effective April, 1999.
> Thanks for any info elicited as a result of this request.  This list
> always comes up with an answer (or several even)!
> Joyce Nelson
> Periodicals/Government Documents
> Eggleston Library
> Hampden-Sydney College
> Hampden Sydney, VA  23943-0007
> tel: 804-223-6278