---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:23:04 +0200 From: GreyNet <Dominic.Farace@INTER.NL.NET> Subject: GreyNet Press Release PRESS RELEASE PRESSEINFORMATION COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE August 19, 1999 Today, the GL'99 Virtual Discussion goes live on the Internet. This Virtual Discussion will seek to enhance the program for the Fourth International Conference on Grey Literature, which will be held on October 4-5, 1999 in Washington D.C. The topics of the GL'99 Virtual Discussion already include comments by leading contributors in the field of grey literature. Take advantage of this global forum not only to agree or disagree with their ideas but to also to contribute your own ideas and special interests in the field of grey literature. For those interested in commenting/subscribing to the Virtual Discussion: http://www.mcb.co.uk/services/conferen/webforum/greynet-liblink-forum/ GL'99 VIRTUAL DISCUSSION THEMES: 1. ACCESS TO GREY LITERATURE IN THE 21st CENTURY: A Shift from issues of Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control to issues of Promotion, Marketing, and Pricing Grey Literature. 2. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND GREY LITERATURE: The Policy and Management of Grey Literature Collections requires both designated Budgets and Human Resources. 3. PUBLISHING AND ARCHIVING ELECTRONIC GREY LITERATURE: The Corporate Authors and Producers of Grey Literature are also responsible for indexing and archiving these materials. 4. COPYRIGHT AND GREY LITERATURE: Authorship, Ownership, and Property Rights influence the very Processes of Knowledge Generation and Information Dissemination. 5. EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN THE FIELD OF GREY LITERATURE: Schools of Library and Information Science continue to neglect the importance of Grey Literature in their Curriculum Programs. End of Release. __________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIST OF PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS (August 1999) http://www.konbib.nl/infolev/greynet/gl99-organisations.htm THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREY LITERATURE New Frontiers in Grey Literature Kellogg Conference Center, Washington D.C. USA, October 4-5, 1999 __________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AWI Science and Innovation Administration BE BIOSIS Publisher of Biological Abstracts and Zoological Record US BLDSC British Library Document Supply Centre UK >> British Columbia Office of Health Technology Assessment CA >> Camera dei Deputati, Biblioteca IT CASI Center for AeroSpace Information US CCC Copyright Clearance Center US CERIST Centre de Recherche sur l'Information Scientifique & Technique DZ CERN European Centre for Higher Energy Physics, Library CH CIAO Columbia International Affairs Online, Columbia Univ. Press US CLRC Central Laboratory of the Research Councils UK CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT CNRS Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, see INIST FR CORD Centre on Rural Documentation IN >> Cornell University US >> CYBEK of New York US DOE U.S. Department of Energy, see OSTI US DTIC Defense Technical Information Center US EAGLE European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation UK FID International Federation for Information and Documentation CA FIT Florida Institute of Technology US GREYNET Grey Literature Network Service NL GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center, See NASA US GUKCC Gallaudet University Kellogg Conference Center US >> Harvard University US HP Hewlett Packard Company US ICSSR Indian Council of Social Science Research IN IFLA Int. Federation of Library Associations & Documentation UK >> Informed Strategies US INIST Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique FR IRC Information Resource Center US ISI Institute for Scientific Information, Inc. US >> Island Press US ISPESL Istituto Superiore per Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro IT ISRDS Istituto di Studi sulla Ricerca e Documentazione Scientifica IT IVIR Institute for Information Law NL IZ InformationsZentrum Sozialwissenschaften DE JDC Japan Documentation Center US JST Japan Science and Technology Corporation JP KORDIC Korea Research and Development Information Center KR LaRC NASA Langley Research Center US LC The Library of Congress, see JDC US LW&W Lippincott Williams & Wilkins US >> Maryland Department of Natural Resources, see IRC US MASC Mountain Administrative Support Center, see NOAA US MCB University Press UK >> Ministry of the Flemish Community BE >> Moi University KE MSU Michigan State University US NAL National Agricultural Library, see USDA US NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration US NASSDOC National Social Science Documentation Centre IN NCI Information Systems Inc., see NASA US NIRD National Institute of Rural Development IN NLC National Library of Canada CA NLE National Library of Education US NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US NYAM New York Academy of Medicine US ODU Old Dominion University US OPI Osrodek Przetwarzania Informacji/Information Processing Centre PL OSTI Office of Scientific & Technical Information US PBI Punjabi University IN PCIERD Philippine Council for Industry and Energy R&D PH >> Pennsylvania Transportation Institute US >> Portland State University US >> Princeton University Library US PSU Pennsylvania State University US >> Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, see CLRC UK SAIC Science Applications International Corporation, see NASA US TCG The Copyright Group US UB University of Bergen NO UB University of Botswana BW UCI University of California, Irvine US UFMA Universidada Federal do Maranh�o BR UMD University of Maryland US UMN University of Minnesota US >> United States Department of Commerce, see NOAA US >> United States Department of Education, see NLE US >> University of Constantine DZ >> University of Madras IN >> University of Montreal CA UNZA University of Zambia ZM USDA United States Department of Agriculture US UvA University of Amsterdam, see IVIR NL VNTIC Scientific and Technical Centre of Russia RU VT Virginia Polytechnic Institute US __________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GL'99 - CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM http://www.konbib.nl/infolev/greynet/gl99-registration.htm __________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The conference fee includes attendance at the Main Sessions, Breakout Sessions, as well as, the Information Market and the Product and Service Reviews. The fee also includes a copy of the GL'99 Program, the conference badge and pouch. Lunches and Coffee & Tea Breaks during the two-day conference are also included in the registration fee. PAYMENT RECEIVED BEFORE 31 AUGUST 1999: (CHECK ONE OF THE BOXES, BELOW) Nb! Payment Received after 31 August 1999: (Add 50 NLG/30 USD Surcharge) * Conference Fee * Conference Fee for GreyNet Subscribers [ ] USD 395 [ ] USD 335 [ ] NLG 695 [ ] NLG 590 Participant's Name (Title): ___________________________________________ Organization: _________________________________________________________ Address/P.O. Box: _____________________________________________________ Postal Code/City/Country: _____________________________________________ Tel: __________________________________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________________ URL: __________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE BOXES BELOW FOR THE METHOD OF PAYMENT: [ ] Bank check/draft enclosed and payable to GreyNet. With reference to GL'99 and Participant's name. [ ] NLG Account: Please remit to GreyNet | ABN-AMRO Bank No. in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With reference to GL'99 and participant's name. [ ] USD Account: Please remit to GreyNet | ABN-AMRO Bank No. in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. With reference to GL'99 and participant's name. [ ] MasterCard/Eurocard [ ] VISA/JCB Card [ ] American Express [ ] DinersClub Card Card No. _____________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ If the name on the credit card is not that of the participant, print the name that appears on the card, here_______________________________ SIGNATURE:_________________PLACE: _________________DATE: _____________ PLEASE RETURN TO: GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service Koninginneweg 201, 1075 CR Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel/Fax : 31-20-671.1818 Email : greynet@inter.nl.net URL : http://www.konbib.nl/infolev/greynet End of email transmission.