Coach and Athletic Director (Becky Bernal) Marcia Tuttle 18 Aug 1999 18:57 UTC

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Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 11:24:19 -0600
From: Becky Bernal <bbernal@MESASTATE.EDU>
Subject: Coach and Athletic Director

I have a question concerning the title Coach and Athletic Director, OCLC
#33998979.  The title on the cover is Coach and Athletic Director, but
on the table of contents page and the verso the title is clearly
Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director.  This particular title has gone
through several title changes, including Scholastic Coach, and
Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director.  When the title changed to Coach
and Athletic Director, all three places (cover, tp, and verso), stated
the title as Coach and Athletic Director.  Sometime in the last year,
they added the Scholastic Coach to the tp and the verso.  Doesn't this
constitute a change of title, or is there some rule being applied to
this title, using the cover as the source for title, that I don't know
or understand?  I would greatly appreciate any insight.

Becky Bernal
Tomlinson Library