Savings and development quarterly review (Joseph Sollitto) Marcia Tuttle 28 Jul 1999 17:49 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 13:04:49 -0400
From: Joseph Sollitto <sollitto@FAXON.COM>
Subject: Savings and development quarterly review

Dear Ms. Correo:

We have this publication in our database, and we show the address as:

                                FinAfrica Foundation
                                Via San Vigilio 10
                                20142 Milan
                                Fax: 2-813-7481

We show the one year rate as $100 and the 2 year rate of $175.00

I trust that this will be helpful.

Joseph Sollitto, Editor
Serials Update Service
The Faxon Company