HORIZON Serials Module Survey (Philenese Slaughter) Marcia Tuttle 23 Jul 1999 21:16 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 15:21:39 -0500
From: "Slaughter, Philenese" <SlaughterP@APSU.EDU>
Subject: HORIZON Serials Module Survey


Dear Fellow HORIZON System users:

The following survey has grown out of my interest in questions of about the
level(s) of staffing other HORIZON libraries are using to perform check-in
and claims using the Serials Module.  I hope you will take time to respond.

Thank you in advance,

Philenese Slaughter
Serials Librarian
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, TN  37044

E-mail:  slaughterp@apsu.edu

Ameritech HORIZON Serials Module Survey

Purpose:  To determine what level of staffing is using the HORIZON Serials
Module on a daily basis.
1.      Type of library:
                        Academic                *
                        Public                  *
                        Special                         *
                        Other (Please specify)

2.      Number of current periodical titles in the collection.
3.      Does your library use the HORIZON Serials Module?       Yes   *
No   *
4.      If not, what check-in system do you use and why?


        If you do not use the HORIZON Serials Module, please stop here.
Thank you for participating.

        If you do use the HORIZON Serials Module, please continue.
5.      Length of time your library has used the HORIZON Serials Module.
                        0-1 year                        *
                        1-3 years               *
                        More than 3 years       *
6.      Who checks in periodicals?
                        FT Staff                        *
                        PT Staff                        *
                        Student Worker(s)       *
                        Other (Please specify)
                And, why?

7.      On a regular daily basis, how many people check-in periodicals?
8.      On average, how long does each person spend doing check-in each day?
                        1-3 hours               *
                        3-5 hours               *
                        5-8 hours               *
9.      Who is responsible for processing claims?
                        FT Staff                        *
                        PT Staff                        *
                        Student Worker(s)       *
                        Other (please specify)
                And, why?
10.     How often do you process claims?
                Weekly                  *
                Monthly                 *
                Other (Please specify)
Additional comments:

Thank you for your participation.
Please return the completed survey by e-mail to:  HYPERLINK
mailto:slaughterp@apsu.edu _slaughterp@apsu.edu_
or by regular mail to:
                                Philenese Slaughter
                                Serials Librarian
                                Austin Peay State University
                                Felix G. Woodward Library
                                P.O. Box 4595
                                Clarksville, TN 37044
