Re: new serials librarian seeking advice regarding microfilm collection (2 messages) Stephen Clark 22 Jun 1999 17:59 UTC

2 messages:

Date:         Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:25:00 -0700
From:         Fran Springer <SPRINGEF@T-BIRD.EDU>
Subject:      Re: new serials librarian seeking advice regarding
              microfilmcollection (Vani Murthy)

This is a question that we also face.  I would be very interested in the replies.

Fran Springer
Interlibrary Loan/Serials Librarian
Thunderbird  Campus
15249 North 59th Ave.
Glendale, Az  85306
Phone: 602-978-7235

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:48:15 -0400
From: Murthy - Vani <vmurthy@UMD5.UMD.EDU>
Subject: new serials librarian seeking advice regarding  microfilm              collection

I am new to this profession, and I am now facing the dilemma of whether I
should continue to maintain and expand the library's microfilm collection
after recently acquiring electronic journals.  I am under pressure(from my
colleagues) to cut down the microfilm collection, and to discard several
titles such as New York Times, and The Washington Post due to lack of
space and money, and also because back-files are available online for the
subscribed electronic journals and newspapers. I am wondering if this is a
wise thing to do.  I would appreciate any advice regarding this problem,
and I will gladly contact you if you want to share your experiences with
me.  You can send your replies to me directly, and I will be happy to
forward those replies to anyone who is interested.  Thank you in advance
for your advice.

Date:         Tue, 22 Jun 1999 13:01:42 -0400
From:         "Freya N. Anderson" <fnanders@MAILBOX.SYR.EDU>
Subject:      Re: microfilm (Eduardo Gil)

While microfilm and fiche are truly a pain to use (I for one get "seasick"
with microfilm), and new technologies alleviate much of this pain, the
archival value of film and fiche is important to remember.  Granted,
reader/printers may break down and be difficult to use, but if worse came
to worse, film could be read with a light and magnifying lens.  This is
not true with pdf or other electronic formats.  Considering the short
life of electronic formats to date (either in terms of breakdown of media
or in terms of support), I believe it behooves librarians to maintain the
more durable media for archival purposes whenever possible.  Archiving
materials can be less costly if libraries cooperate to reduce duplication,
and electronic formats can be made available for ease of use, but let's
not forget this important role.

Please excuse me for jumping on my high horse.  As a history major, I have
benefitted from the preservation efforts of previous generations.  I just
feel we too have a responsibility to help those of the future better
understand their world.

Freya Anderson

******************Freya Anderson, MLS Student*********************
**"Relax" Stuart Sutton,  "Don't Worry, Be Happy" Bobby McFerrin**

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 10:07:46 -0400
> From: Eduardo Gil <GilE@MAIL.MONTCLAIR.EDU>
> Subject: microfilm
> Vani,
> Yes, the durability of the microfilm reel lasts for a long time.
> However, my main problem with microfilm or microfiche is not the format
> but the less than reliable and pain in the neck to use micro
> reader-printers.  I was the Head of a Department several years ago where
> I was in charge of housing microfilm and overseeing the reader-printers
> and let me tell you it was not a pretty sight.  Users from all walks of
> life hate using micro-
> film and the machines to produce copies.  They use microfilm because
> there is no choice especially for newspapers.
> The technological development and improvements of pdf full-text articles
> will improve in the coming decades. For the user do you think is more
> convenient and less stressful to use microfilm and its reproduction or
> to be able to access full-text (pdf or html) articles from anywhere in
> the Library, from a computer lab on Campus or from home?  I think the
> choice is obvious.  Our purpose as librarians is to assist users in
> their research and make their research lives as convenient as possible
> whether we provide paper, micro or electronic formats.
> Ed Gil
> Periodicals Librarian
> Sprague Library
> Montclair St. University