Re: Stand alone software for serials check-in Mark Hemhauser 28 Jun 1999 16:24 UTC

I believe I've posted an answer to this question before. Perhaps the reply
didn't go to the list, as this one also was set to go to the sender only.

Innovative Interfaces, Inc.

They will sell their software in separate modules. Serials check-in
requires bib records but not order records. Check-in is easy. Prediction of
unusual patterns is possible, but takes a little time to set up. Regular
patterns are easy and can be adjusted to include a v. and iss. no. or iss
no. only or neither but a cover date, or no cover date or voume and iss.
no. but roughly accurate expected dates for titles like Journal of
Chromatography A and B that come out weekly but sometimes combine issues in
unpredictable ways...
Claiming is also great and can be done in a variety of ways--at time of
check-in, through the official claiming module, or through the lists
module. They also have a bindery module. It's the best I've seen. I can't
believe that some of the latest, "greatest" ILSs do not have a binding
module. The bindery system searches for "bindable" units based on the data
you enter when creating check-in records. Example: four consecutive issues
with a one unit delay, or whatever combination you prefer. Of course, it
can be modified at any time. (What good would a serials system be if it
couldn't make endless changes?) In my opinion, Innovative's serials module
is the best and most flexible and searchable system available.

Their website is


Phone: 510-655-6200

Mark Hemhauser
American University Library--Serials Dept.
4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016

---------------- Original message -----------------
Date:         Fri, 25 Jun 1999 08:32:38 -0700
From:         Lessie Young <>
Subject:      Stand alone software for serials check-in

Our library is in the market for an automated serials check-in program.  I
know this is a question that has come up before; the archives have plenty
of the questions but not enough of the answers!

We are a small academic library with about 900 active titles.  We need a
user-friendly program (PC) that will do check-in, and reports.  It should
allow easy editing of master records and check-in data.  A useful bindery
component would be helpful, but not necessary.  We are not so interested
in the financial management aspect of this kind of program.

We have been using a seriously outdated version of Faxon's MicroLinx and
would like to move on.  Our library is using an integrated system, but at
this point we choose not to use their serials module.

I am looking for any advice (pro or con) about products on the market;
companies we should contact; personal experiences with this kind of

Thanks in advance.

Lessie Young
Library Assistant, Periodicals
Pacific Union College
Angwin, California