Re: Missing pages in Fortune, May 17 issue (Marilyn Haskell)
Marilyn M. Haskell 17 May 1999 19:46 UTC
I just checked our Forune, May 17 and find it to be okay.
Marilyn Haskell
Serials Supervisor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carol Morse [SMTP:MorsCa@WWC.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, May 17, 1999 10:34 AM
> Subject: Missing pages in Fortune, May 17 issue (Carol Morse)
> Our current issue of Fortune is missing pp. 177-201. This is the May 17
> issue. There is an 8-page ad section which is repeated, however. This is
> the cover story that is missing, so a patron caught it right away. (There
> is no evidence of it's being ripped out). Is anyone else out there in
> the same boat? Carol M.
> **************************************************************************
> Carol Morse Phone: 509:527-2684
> Serials Librarian Fax:: 509) 527-2001
> Walla Walla College Library Email:
> 105 S.W. Adams St.
> College Place, WA 99324-1195
> Grant us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.
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