UMI name change (Bob Persing)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 13 May 1999 19:41 UTC
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 15:16:30 -0400
From: Bob Persing <persing@POBOX.UPENN.EDU>
Subject: UMI name change
In case this is news to some of you (it was to me):
As of May 3rd, UMI has changed its name to "Bell & Howell Information
and Learning".
There's a press release at:
Name changes like this always knock our accounts payable dept. for a
loop, which holds up payments for a while. Even small changes, like
from "Gale" to "The Gale Group", can cause payment trouble for us. But
hey, you can't stop progress....
:-) Bob Persing
Head of Serials, University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104-6278
Phone: 215-898-2815 / Fax: 215-573-9610 / email: