To bind or not to bind? (Iris Anderson)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 13 May 1999 18:39 UTC
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 12:32:27 -0400
From: "Anderson, Iris" <IANDERSON@IMF.ORG>
Subject: To bind or not to bind?
I am interested in hearing from other libraries about the pros and cons of
continuing to bind journals that you are currently receiving electronically
through services such as JSTOR or other electronic means.
1. How do you determine the value of paper vs. electronic archives for
individual titles? Do you look at circulation statistics or rely more on
perceived or historical value of "core" journals? What is your professional
opinion of the "paper in the library" vs. "electronic access to the desktop"
debate? OR how do you envision best serving your clientele in the future,
while also considering physical space constraints,shrinking budgets, and
pressure to downsize your in-house periodicals holdings?
2. Do you think binding journals will become a thing of the past? If you
have stopped binding or never done it, have there been any awful
3. Can you recommend any "best" articles on this topic?
Please respond to me directly and I will be happy to summarize for the
list. Thank you very much in advance!
Iris Anderson
Team Leader
Document Delivery
Joint Library
International Monetary Fund-World Bank
Washington, DC