SCCTP Update (Jean L. Hirons) Marcia Tuttle 07 May 1999 17:17 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 12:41:01 -0400
From: "Jean L. Hirons" <jhir@LOC.GOV>
Subject: SCCTP Update

Dear Colleagues,

It's been some time since I've reported on the progress of the
Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program
(SCCTP) and I'm happy to report that we are on schedule and about
ready to go into action!  The course materials
are on their way to GPO for printing, our Web site is up, a
brochure is in the works, and we're in the process of
planning two train-the-trainer sessions for June.  By July, the
program should be fully operational, just one year after
it was officially announced.  I want to give you the details of
the first course offering, tell you about the trainers, and
thank some of those who have made this all possible.

But first, I want to reiterate what SCCTP is all about.  SCCTP
will provide standardized course materials based on
CONSER documentation and train trainers to present these
materials.  SCCTP WILL NOT provide the actual
workshops.  We are counting on library associations, OCLC network
affiliates, and continuing education departments
in library schools to plan and provide the workshops.  Individual
institutions can also plan a workshop.  Guidelines
will be available soon at the SCCTP Web site:


Thanks to Cameron Campbell at the University of Chicago, we have
an excellent set of course materials for our first
course: Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop.  The course includes
both original and copy cataloging of print and
electronic serials.  The sessions include:

     What is a Serial?
     Original Cataloging (2 sessions)
     Working with Copy Finding Appropriate Copy
     Working with Copy What to Edit
     When Do I Need a New Record?
     Electronic Serials (both direct and remote access)
     What is the Serial About?
     Trends in Serials Cataloging

The course is designed for two days, however, the materials can
be used for a single day focusing on original or copy
cataloging.  The course is geared to those fairly new to serials:
new catalogers, monograph catalogers, staff working
in other areas of serials control.   Most of the sessions include
exercises and pre- and post- class exercises will be
available on the Web site.

In February, Steve Shadle (University of Washington) and I tested
the materials at Wayne State University with
librarians from the Detroit Area Library Network (DALNET).
Participants ranged from those with very little
experience to those with over 20 years and represented a variety
of institutions, from large academic and public to
very small specialized libraries.   Everyone seemed pleased and
even those with years of experience said they learned
something new!  A very BIG THANKS to NASIG for funding this test
session and to Steve Savage at Wayne State
for the planning and preparation.


The materials will be sold by the Cataloging Distribution Service
and there are two options for purchase: 1) the
complete package contains one instructor manual with a set of
PowerPoint diskettes (version 7.0) and one trainee
manual; 2) trainee manual only. The first option is for
institutions wishing to have the complete set of documents for
in-house training, etc.  The second option is for those providing
a workshop and using SCCTP trainers.  The trainers
will have the instructor manual and only multiple copies of the
trainee manual will need to be purchased.

CDS has not completed its pricing for the materials but
information should be available shortly.  Look for it on the
CDS Web site ( or via the SCCTP Web site.  CDS
will also be sending out its own marketing
information regarding the availability of the course materials.


I am pleased to announce that 38 trainers will attend the two
train-the-trainer sessions in June.  They represent all
areas of the United States and include three Canadians as well.
The sessions, which are free to those who have met
the requirements and agreed to give SCCTP workshops, are both
full.  They will be held in conjunction with the
NASIG and ALA annual conferences.  Cameron Campbell (at NASIG),
Beverley Geer (at ALA), and I will be
demonstrating the course materials and Cathy Kellum (SOLINET)
will provide the train-the-trainer portion.  A
special thanks to SOLINET for donating Cathy's services and to
AMIGOS and PALINET for providing funding and
support for the two sessions.  Additional funding for the
sessions is being provided by NASIG.

SCCTP is recommending that a pair of trainers be used for a
two-day session. An honorarium is recommended, the
amount to be determined by the workshop sponsor.


Several workshops are already in the works for this fall.  A list
of planned workshops will be added to the SCCTP
Web site as we become aware of them.  If you are interested in
having a workshop in your area, you may want to first
contact your local library association or, if appropriate, your
local OCLC affiliate, to see it they are interested in
sponsoring the workshop or have one already planned.  Those
planning to give a workshop should contact me for the
list of trainers.  If I am not available, contact Ann Ercelawn
(  The next  step is to
estimate the number of participants and order copies of the
trainee manuals from CDS.


Visit the SCCTP Web site at:

Contact Jean Hirons at or (202) 707-5947   after May
24th (I'll be away for the next two weeks).


I want to thank all of those who have participated in the
development of SCCTP. The SCCTP Steering Committee
has been the backbone of the program, providing advice and
support on every aspect of the program and its
development.  Members are from CONSER, NASIG, ALA, OCLC
affiliates, and library education.  They are:

Cameron Campbell (U. Chicago)
Bea Caraway (Trinity)
Ann Ercelawn (Vanderbilt)
Patti Fields (FEDLINK)
Julia Gammon (U. Akron)
Beverley Geer (U. Texas, El Paso)
Lynne Howarth (U. Toronto)
Sharon Mason (U. Nebraska at Kearny)
John Riemer (U. Georgia)
Thom Saudargus (Florida College Center for Library Automation)
David Van Hoy (MIT)
Sherry Vellucci (St. John's University)

Also a very special thanks to Steve Oberg (U. Chicago), NASIG
President, and Sally Sinn (NAL), chair of the
Program for Cooperative Cataloging for their support and ideas
during the past year.


This program is constantly evolving.  Please feel free to offer
ideas for further courses, for course delivery, or overall
improvement of the process to me or any member of the steering

Jean Hirons
CONSER Coordinator
Library of Congress
fax 202-707-6333