---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 11:02:44 -0400 From: "Myers,Myrtle" <myersm@OCLC.ORG> Subject: Discussion on union listing and electronic resources For the past several years the question has arisen about whether or not electronic resources should be included in union lists. To help libraries address this issue OCLC, with the help of the Network offices, organized an informal discussion group to identify and discuss the issues that need to be considered. The discussion group consists of union list, serials, technical services, and interlibrary loan librarians from around the country. The discussions have been taking place on a private listserv hosted by OCLC and we are hoping to produce a guidelines document that will help libraries and groups as they make their individual decisions. The discussions have progressed to the point where we would like to get the opinions of other libraries. Following is the list of questions that we identified for the discussion and the summary of our answers. We would like to have comments on whether we are addressing all of the issues? Do you agree with our answers? Any comments would be appreciated. Please send any comments or thoughts directly to me (myersm@oclc.org), not to the list. I would like to have all comments by Wednesday, May 12. For a list of the discussion group participants please see the end of this message. General Union List Questions Question 1: What roles do union lists fulfill today? Answer: The main role of the union list is to act as a finding tool for interlibrary lending. However, it is also valuable in collection assessment/development and as a reference tool for patrons who want to determine local holdings or are willing to travel short distances to locate an item. While union lists fulfill other roles in libraries these are the top three uses. Question 2: What roles do you see union lists fulfilling tomorrow? Answer: The role of union lists will remain basically the same, however; the way end-users and library staffs access the information will change. For example more and more union lists will become accessible through web accessible OPACs, and will be used for holdings information by new automated ILL routing systems ( like OCLC's Direct request and Full Text Option). Question 3: What criteria should be used to determine whether an item should be included in the union list? Answer: The main criteria that should be used in determining whether a title is included in the union list is the use of the union list. If the union list is exclusively for interlibrary lending then only those titles available for interlibrary loan should be included. However; if it is also used as a collection development tool and/or as a local finding aid then all titles should be included. The other criteria that should be used is whether the title is a serial. In a perfect world all multi-part items should be considered for inclusion in the union list, but realistically serials will be the main items included. The physical format of the item (whether it is paper, microfilm, or electronic) is not a determining factor unless licensing agreements prohibit its inclusion. Specific Questions on Electronic resources: Question 1: Do licensing terms determine whether an electronic resource should be included? Does the fact that some electronic publishers are allowing limited ILL change that? Answer: The answer to this question is determined by the use of your union list. Question 2: Does the distribution method for the electronic resource determine whether it is included? For example is it a single subscription purchased directly by the library, does access come free with your print subscription, does it come as part of a package deal? Answer: Access and distribution methods are not a determining factors for including titles in a union list. Question 3: Is the electronic version an exact copy of the print? Does this impact whether or not it is included? (I'd like to focus here on whether you include the title, not on which bibliographic record you would choose). Answer: Whether or not a title is an exact version of the print copy is not a determining factor for whether it should be included in the union list. It is a question that needs to be considered when determining what bibliographic record to use when union listing, not when deciding whether to include the title. Question 4: Is the definition of a library collection changing from what you own, to what you can access? Does this impact whether you include an item? Answer: Still under discussion. Question 5: What if the coverage is constantly changing? For example: The publisher is continuing to add backfiles, or the title is part of a package and you have no control over what is contained in the package. Answer: Still under discussion NOTE: The question of whether a library has the staff available to keep the holdings up-to-date was not considered, since this an issue for union listing of all formats not just the electronic. Each library must make this decision based on their own staff and on their consortial obligations. Thanks, Myrtle Myers Senior Product Support Specialist OCLC Discussion Group Participants: Robert Avant Alabama Public Library Service Richard Baumgarten Johnson County Public Library Cecelia Boone MULS Union List of Serials Kathleen DeForest Lansing Community College Lynn Eaton Springfield Technical Community College Joanne Ellis SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry Shelby E. Harken University of North Dakota Martha Hruska University of Florida Deanna Iltis Oregon State Library Laura Kessler Alliance Library System Kathleen Meneely Cleveland Health Science Library Vianne Sha University of Missouri-Columbia Carolyn Shaffer Johnson County Public Library Kathleen Smalldon Northern Arizona University Brad Ward Northeast Florida Library Information Network