New Statesman vol. numbering (Jay Nordstrom) Stephen Clark 07 Apr 1999 16:30 UTC

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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 11:11:04 -0500
From: Jay Nordstrom <jay@GAC.EDU>
Subject: New Statesman vol. numbering

Dear Serialist Folks,
I haven't seen this asked yet and am wondering if anybody has an
answer...what happened with the 1999 enumeration of this title?  We
currently have our check-in set for one volume per year but now it appears
that it suddenly changed its frequency or rather how many volumes received
per year.  We were receiving v.128 through Feb. 1999 and since the first
March issue we are receiving vol.129.  Any responses will be appreciated.

Ms. Jay Nordstrom
Serials Coordinator
Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library               Phone-(507) 933-7562
Gustavus Adolphus College                       Fax:  (507) 933-6292
St. Peter,  MN  56082-1498