---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:36:47 -0600 From: Karen Muller <kmuller@ALA.ORG> Subject: Congress on Professional Education -- internet conference The first internet conference in relation to the Congress on Professional Education is TOMORROW, APRIL 1, 1999 -- 5pmCST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Steering Committee for the Congress on Professional Education invites your participation in the first internet conference to discuss issues relevant to the Congress. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, April 1, 1999, 5-6:00pm CST. Dr. Ken Haycock, chair of the steering committee, will lead the conference, to discuss the structure, outcomes and other Congress-related issues. Additional internet conferences will be announced within the next few days. To participate in the conference: (1) You will need a fairly new browser (Netscape or IE 3.0 or higher) (2) Register by pointing your web browser to * http://webboard.ala.org:8080/~1/new You will be asked to fill out a form with name, email address, etc. (3) Just before the scheduled conference time, point your web browser to * http://webboard.ala.org:8080/ To log on, you will be asked to enter the user name and password you established in step (2). There will only be one active conference, so just click on it to enter. During the conference, the screen will automatically refresh every 60 seconds. Please do not frequently click "reload" as that would adversely affect everyone's ability to participate. Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 16:08:33 -0600 From: "Mary Ghikas" <mghikas@ala.org> To: aarmour@ala.org,agorman@ala.org, ajenkins@ala.org, ajordan@ala.org, aolinger@ala.org, aoneill@ala.org, aquic@ala.org, asmith@ala.org, awiley@ala.org, awolter@ala.org, ayoung@ala.org, bbainer@ala.org, bbarrera@ala.org, bcalvin@ala.org, bdaniels@ala.org, bdowling@ala.org, bgoldber@ala.org, bhooper@ala.org, bmacikas@ala.org, bmorriss@ala.org, bortega@ala.org, bott@ala.org, bsegedin@ala.org, bsmother@ala.org, bstaruk@ala.org, cbarbari@ala.org, cbourdon@ala.org, cgomez@ala.org, cgreen@ala.org, ckristl@ala.org, ckubisz@ala.org, cmalden@ala.org, cruffin@ala.org, ctaylor@ala.org, cwatkins@ala.org, dambrose@ala.org, dbryan@ala.org, dcattenh@ala.org, dculpepp@ala.org, ddavis@ala.org, dedavis@ala.org, dlewis@ala.org, dlindenb@ala.org, dlipschu@ala.org, dmckelvi@ala.org, dponton@ala.org, dragsdal@ala.org, droberts@ala.org, dross@ala.org, dsmith@ala.org, dthorn@ala.org, dvalenti@ala.org, edreazen@ala.org, emahoney@ala.org, emartin@ala.org, emccormi@ala.org, emurphy@ala.org, eopalka@ala.org, eporter@ala.org, esedward@ala.org, eshroyer@ala.org, evedward@ala.org, gcallowa@ala.org, geberhar@ala.org, gflagg@ala.org, ggray@ala.org, ghodges@ala.org, gokotete@ala.org, gsouthar@ala.org, hthompso@ala.org, hwhite@ala.org, imarquez@ala.org, jbogacz@ala.org, jbowens@ala.org, jbriody@ala.org, jcrowley@ala.org, jfoley@ala.org, jgerts@ala.org, jglynn@ala.org, jgrube@ala.org, jguy@ala.org, jhelbig@ala.org, jhurd@ala.org, jkanis@ala.org, jkartman@ala.org, jkelly@ala.org, jkrug@ala.org, jmcclell@ala.org, jmcgover@ala.org, jmundell@ala.org, jpak@ala.org, jradina@ala.org, jtam@ala.org, jwalker@ala.org, jylagan@ala.org, kbrown@ala.org, kesco@ala.org, kharris@ala.org, khenning@ala.org, khughes@ala.org, kmuller@ala.org Subject: Congress on Professional Education -- internet conference PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL APPROPRIATE LISTS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Steering Committee for the Congress on Professional Education invites your participation in the first internet conference to discuss issues relevant to the Congress. The conference is scheduled for Thursday, May 1, 1999, 5-6:00pm CST. Dr. Ken Haycock, chair of the steering committee, will lead the conference, to discuss the structure, outcomes and other Congress-related issues. Additional internet conferences will be announced within the next few days. To participate in the conference: (1) You will need a fairly new browser (Netscape or IE 3.0 or higher) (2) Register by pointing your web browser to * http://webboard.ala.org:8080/~1/new You will be asked to fill out a form with name, email address, etc. (3) Just before the scheduled conference time, point your web browser to * http://webboard.ala.org:8080/ To log on, you will be asked to enter the user name and password you established in step (2). There will only be one active conference, so just click on it to enter. During the conference, the screen will automatically refresh every 60 seconds. Please do not frequently click "reload" as that would adversely affect everyone's ability to participate.