Re: Verifying access to e-journals (2 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 17 Mar 1999 15:16 UTC

2 messages:


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 06:51:22 -0600
From: Marjorie Wilhite <marjorie-wilhite@UIOWA.EDU>
Subject: Re: Verifying access to e-journals (Hunter Kevil)

Please respond to the list, if possible.  All the information we can gather
on this subject and the subject of establishing the original access would
be useful and of current interest.

Thank you very much.

Marjorie Wilhite
Serials Acquisitions, University of Iowa Libraries
Phone: 319 335-5896
Fax: 319-335-5900

At 04:42 PM 3/16/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 15:47:18 -0600
>From: "Kevil, L H." <KevilL@MISSOURI.EDU>
>Subject: Verifying access to e-journals
>Hello all,
>Perhaps some of you would be willing to help me think through a problem.
>Soon we will have a list of URLs for the many e-journals to which we have ip
>access rights. Is there an easy way to automate the process of going through
>the list and verifying that we do or do not in fact have access to these
>e-journals? Our experience has been that publishers do no better a job
>maintaining access to their e-journals than they do in supplying our paper
>issues on time and without our needing to claim.
>If we were to undertake this manually, we would doubtless have to go through
>the entire list weekly in order to detect disruptions of service in a timely
>manner. I am thinking there probably is a better way to do this, perhaps by
>means of some kind of spider or crude agent technology. Any ideas for a
>better mousetrap would be most gratefully received.
>TIA and I will be more than happy to post a summary of private messages to
>the list,
>L. Hunter Kevil,
>Head, Serials Dept, Ellis Library,
>(Soon-to-be Collection Development Librarian)
>University of Missouri-Columbia,
>Columbia, MO 65201
>Voice:  573-884-8760
>Fax:    573-884-5243


Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 08:26:36 -0500
From: Louise Pierce <lpierce@EAGLE.YCP.EDU>
Subject: Re: Verifying access to e-journals (Hunter Kevil)

I would be very interested to see the summary of your responses.

Louise Pierce

        Louise Pierce
    Periodicals Specialist
 York College of Pennsylvania
     York, PA 17405-7199
      fax (717)849-1608