Re: Journals Holdings Lists (3 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Mar 1999 22:00 UTC

3 messages:


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 14:16:04 -0600
From: Anne Frohlich <frohlich@ACC.MCNEESE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journals Holdings Lists (Sherri Parker)

Although our journals and holdings are in NOTIS, we continue to produce a
holdings list, both printed using Microsoft Word and on the web.

Using NOTIS, patrons have to type "hol 1" in order to see the holdings.  We
think it is easier to look in a list.  If students bring us citations, it
is faster to check a list than to navigate to the journal online.  We have
put our list on the web to enable people at home to check if we have the
journal they need before they come to the library.

Our list had been in a mainframe database.  We were able to get an ASCII
copy and convert it to Word.  Later we converted it to HTML.

Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian        Phone:318-475-5741
McNeese State University                Fax:318-475-5719
Library - Serials Dept.
Box 91445
Lake Charles, LA 70609


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 15:09:00 -0600 (CST)
From: Diana M Schaubhut <>
Subject: Re: Journals Holdings Lists (Sherri Parker)

I still create a paper journal list. It includes name of journal, ISSN
number, dates of coverage and format of coverage. Our  journals are also
listed in our online catalog, but when students are looking for just one
or two articles that they need right now, they seem to prefer just picking
up the book and having a quick look rather than switching to another
database. Personally I use the paper list all the time.
 ?  Diana Schaubhut - Librarian     ?
 ?  Our Lady of Holy Cross College  ?
 ?  New Orleans, Louisiana 70131    ?
 ?  (504) 394-7744, Ext.103         ?


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 16:58:33 -0500
From: Linda Tilly <tillyl@MARIAN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Journals Holdings Lists (Sherri Parker)

We still print out several copies of our holdings list at the beginning of
each semester.  The students like to have them handy by the printed indexes
and by the computers to do a quick check of what we have.  Of course, it is
especially handy when the network goes down!  : )

Linda Tilly

Linda S. Tilly
Assistant Librarian
Marian College Library                     (317) 955-6223
3200 Cold Spring Road                   (317) 955-6418 FAX
Indianapolis, IN  46222                    email:
