Periodical Issues as Monographs (John Radencich) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Mar 1999 14:37 UTC

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 08:20:54 -0500
From: John Radencich <radencic@FIU.EDU>
Subject: Periodical Issues as Monographs

Autocat and Serialst members:

   Our library is investigating the possibility of analyzing periodicals
with issues that also have distinctive titles.  The issues would be kept
separately on our general collection shelves so they can circulate,
rather than be kept bound together in the periodicals area.  Whether
they have the same call number or numbered separately is not an issue at
the moment since the separate issues can be analyzed and circulated
either way.
   Do other libraries do this?  Who in your library makes the decision
to do this?  (Presumably this would be done on a case by case basis.)
What about time spent, both in regards to the cataloging, physically
preparing each issue to go on the circulating stacks, and so on?
   I have looked through the Autocat archives and haven't found anything
that I think address this specific issue (though I have found plenty
about cataloging "special issues" and so on).  This is not to say there
may not be messages dealing with this specific question.  I just haven't
found them as yet.
   Thank you for any replies you make on this subject.

John Radencich
Library-Cataloging Dept.
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199