Canadian journal of special education (Judith Lawrie) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 12 Mar 1999 14:33 UTC

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 08:31:03 +1100
From: Judith Lawrie <jlawrie@METZ.UNE.EDU.AU>
Subject: Canadian journal of special education


Can anyone provide information regarding <Canadian journal of special
education>? The last issue we received was Vol. 11, no. 2 (1996). This
issue was somewhat "interesting" as there was a note in the front stating
that an article had been included in the previous issue in error and that
"it should not have appeared in this journal".

Also this same issue had the title <International journal of special
education> on its spine and the ISSN for that title listed inside the back
cover. The editor for this issue was "Marg Csapo, Special Education Unit,
Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam". There was a note in the back
stating that the new editor would be "Yvon Gauthier, Laurentian University,
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada",

We have claimed from Blackwells a number of times and they have now replied
asking if I can provide any extra details as they are receiving no replies
to their letters. I am thus appealing to the list - any help would be most
gratefully received!

Many thanks,

Judith Lawrie
Serials Librarian,
University of New England,
Armidale. NSW 2350. Australia
Mrs Judith Lawrie
Serials Department
Dixson Library
University of New England

phone: (02) 6773 2207
fax: (02) 6773 2982