Re: Claims study? (Meg Robinson Arnold) Marcia Tuttle 18 Feb 1999 14:45 UTC

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Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 08:36:59 -0500
From: Meg Robinson Arnold <mrarnold@EMAIL.UNCC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Claims study?

Another take on this whole "90% of claims we recieve are invalid" thing is
keeping in mind the number of times you've claimed something once, twice,
only to be told on the third claim that its too late to be claiming this
issue, or this issue was never published (how many of those "not published"
have you seen rec'd by other schools?), it has been delayed a few weeks or a
year, or it was misnumbered, or they thought your subscription had expired
or never existed, etc. I'm sure to a publisher, those are all considered
invalid claims. I'm sure to the library, they're perfectly legitimate - you
didn't recieve the issue you were expecting, and were due. I'd say that
would skew the statistics somewhat.  Just my thoughts, as one  who just sees
the after-effects of denied claims.


Margaret Robinson Arnold
Bindery Supervisor
Atkins Library
UNC Charlotte                ph:704-547-2127
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte NC  28223-0001