Electronic Serials Institute-Portland, OR (Sandy Heft) Marcia Tuttle 17 Feb 1999 01:55 UTC

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Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 16:16:55 -0800
From: Sandy Heft <sandy.heft@SONOMA.EDU>
Subject: Electronic Serials Institute-Portland, OR

Please post, pardon the duplication
"Blazing the Trail: Electronic Serials from Acquisition to Access," will
be held April 16-17, at the Hilton Hotel in Portland, OR.
Sponsored by the Serials Section of the Association for Library
Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American Library
Association, the institute begins at midday on Friday, April 16, and continues
all day on Saturday, April 17.  The registration deadline is April 2, 1999.

Librarians from all types and sizes of libraries need practical skills to
handle electronic serials as well as a conceptual understanding of the
theoretical implications of this rapidly changing format.  Following the
success of two previous institutes in Washington, DC and St. Louis, MO,
"Blazing the Trail Electronic:   Serials from Acquisition to Access" will
provide useful information about electronic serials for libraries of all sizes
and types.

Evan Reader, Director, Software & Electronic Information Resources,
Office of the Chancellor, California State University, will be the keynote
speaker.  Other speakers include Faye Chadwell, University of Oregon, with a
presentation on negotiating licenses for electronic serials titled "A
License to Kill . . . For;" Steve Shadle, University of Washington, with a talk
titled " A Square Peg in a Round Hole:  Practical Cataloging for
Electronic Serials."  Thomas Leonhardt, Oregon Institute of Technology, will be
closing the institute with �Wrap it to Go."  Also speaking will be Sharon
McKay, Faxon, George Machovec, CARL, and others still to be announced.

Registration fees are $195 for ALCTS members, $245 for ALA members,  and
$295 for non-members.  To register contact Yvonne A. McLean at
ymclean@ala.org or 800-545-2433 ext. 5032.  Full details are available at our
website, http://www.ala.org/alcts/events/institutes/esi3.html or feel free to
contact me with any questions.

Sandy Heft
Co-chair, ESI3 Planning Committee
Catalog Librarian
Ruben Salazar Library
Sonoma State University
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
707-664-2876 (FAX)