Re: Cambio 16 Laura Vogler 05 Feb 1999 14:30 UTC

Good Morning,

I have been having the same problem with Cambio 16 that Janet has been
having.  I received an issue on Jan 29, 1999 - my first one since Sep 4,
1998.  So far I have received the following:

1998:  Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2, Dec 11, Dec 18
1999:  Jan 29

Very odd.  I am assuming it will get straightened out eventually.

Hope this info helps.

Laura Vogler, Serials Manager
Wabash College, Lilly Library
301 W. Wabash Ave, P.O. Box 352
Crawfordsville, IN  47933

phone:  765-361-6215
fax:    765-361-6295

Janet Selby <jselby@RUNET.EDU> wrote:
> There was a discussion in the fall about the possible cessation of Cambio
> 16. We have just begun receiving issues, but they are scattered. We have
> received 10 Oct 1998 no. 1.403, 18 Dic 1998 no. 1.411 and 20 Enero 1999
> no. 1.417. What have the rest of you who subscribe to this title been
> experiencing? Are you receiving it more consistently? Thanks, Janet
> *************
> Janet Selby
> Acquisitions Librarian
> McConnell Library, Radford University
> 801 Norwood, P.O. Box 6881
> Radford, VA 24142
> Ph.: 540-831-5692
> Fx.: 540-831-6138