Submissions Wanted for New Column in Serials Review Ladd Brown 04 Feb 1999 21:13 UTC

     Want to surf the web at work with complete and total impunity?
     Just tell the boss you are working on an article for Serials Review!
     The editor of a new Serials Review column called "Plain Brown Wrapper:
E-Journals, E-Zines, and E-verything E-lse" invites you, Dear Reader, to
submit your review of a web _continuation_ for the column.       Turn those
idle hours in Netland into a tangible opportunity to add to that vitae!
     I'm looking for reviews of titles that are more-or-less serial,
more-or-less online only, and more-or-less something  your library might
consider linking to (e.g., stuff you could show to your Mom).
     For submission guidelines and other info please e-mail, call, or write:

Ladd Brown, Acquisitions Librarian
Newman Library [Mail Code 0434], VPI&SU
PO Box 90001, Blacksburg, VA 24062-9001
(540) 231-6736,

Ladd Brown []
Acquisitions Librarian
Newman Library [Mail Code 0434]
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
PO Box 90001
Blacksburg, Virginia 24062-9001
(540) 231-6736
(540) 231-3694 Telefacsimile