Re: Question about Title Alphabetizing (Kevin M. Randall) Marcia Tuttle 19 Feb 1999 21:32 UTC

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Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 15:02:22 -0600
From: "Kevin M. Randall" <kmr@NWU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Question about Title Alphabetizing (Joe Edelen)

>My Emphasis============================================================
>2)Articles, which in the English languages are "a, an, the" will
>always be included in the title, but they will be disregarded in
>alphabetizing in favor ofthe next word of significance.  This rule
>includes foreign articles as well.
>My Emphasis=============================================================
>3)  The most common prepositions and conjunctions, which are listed
>below, are disregarded in alphabetizing except when they are the first
>word in a title.
>Prepositions:  in  for  of  on  to  with
>Conjunctions:  and  or
>Alphabetization systems are very numerous and each is subject to be
>forever debatable.  Each works well as long as it is adhered to without
>deviation.  I hope this helps clarify _______  system of alphabetization.

My initial thought would have been that for simplicity's sake in
automation, the articles, prepositions and conjunctions were being ignored
universally.  HOWEVER, the statement in (3) above is truly puzzling.  If
they're going to ignore the words everywhere else in a title, why not at
the beginning as well (like with articles)?

If anyone has any insight as to WHY this kind of alphabetization is being
used BY ANYONE, it would be very nice to hear it.

Kevin M. Randall
Head, Serials Cataloging Section
Northwestern University Library
Evanston, IL   60208-2300

phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-7637