Re: Bill of Rights Journal (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 11 Dec 1998 20:18 UTC

2 messages, 59 lines:

Date:         Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:37:54 -0600
From:         Timothy Gatti <tgatti@MAIL.LIB.STATE.IA.US>
Subject:      Re: Bill of Rights Journal


They still exist, but now "ask for a donation" rather than sending the
journal for free.  Dec. 1996 was the last issue we received.

Hope that helps (any!)


Timothy H. Gatti (
State Law Library of Iowa
Capitol Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
515-281-5124 (phone)
515-281-5405 (fax)

Date:         Fri, 11 Dec 1998 13:20:24 -0600
From:         "Fayad, Melissa H." <FayadM@MISSOURI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Bill of Rights Journal

The last issue that we received was v.29:1 (and it appears to be only one
issue a year) on 1/31/97.

Melissa Hassien Fayad
Serials Assistant
University of Missouri-Columbia
Law Library
(573) 882-1131

-----Original Message-----
From: Naomi K. Young [mailto:naomiy@POST.CIS.SMU.EDU]
Sent: Friday, December 11, 1998 12:48 PM
Subject: Bill of Rights Journal

Does anyone know whether this journal still exists? the Ulrich's entry is
somewhat faulty; the URL is for the unrelated William & Mary Bill of Rights
Journal, and the phone number listed for the National Emergency Civil
Liberties Committee (its publisher) is now that of a private residence (the
woman on the phone seemed both sleepy and irate, so I didn't ask if she
knew what had become of the journal or its publishers!)

Many thanks,

Naomi Kietzke Young * Periodicals/Microforms Librarian
Southern Methodist University * PO Box 750135 * Dallas, TX 75275
(214) 768-2759    <naomiy@POST.CIS.SMU.EDU>

Chocolate is like air, it's as critical to our existence, and should be
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