Re: Software for serials records Claudia Covert 09 Dec 1998 18:30 UTC

I believe you are talking about Magazine Manager from MicroManager
Software Services.  Their info is 23 W 072 Woodcroft Drive, Glen Ellyn, IL
60137-6925, phone 630-469-1240, email, they give
out free demos.  The manager can run on
 Windows or DOS.

Claudia T. Covert
Library Assistant
Parham Campus Library
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
P.O. Box 85622
Richmond, VA  23285-5622
Phone:  (804)371-3222 Fax:  (804)371-3086

Linda Hofmann <klmklm@MEGSINET.NET> wrote:

>I do serials acquisitions at a library in a suburb of Chicago.  In the
>course of my job I have been able to go to several meetings of a local
>serials SIG group.  At one of these meetings about two years ago, a woman
>from a nearby suburb did a presentation on a stand-alone software program
>she designed for serials checkin.  It is called Magazine Manager.  It was
>originally created for use on PCs with DOS, but I believe she was working on
>a windows based version.  I was very impressed with the capapbilities of
>such an apparently simple program.  It was a database program which allowed
>for title records to which you could attach barcodes for each issue that
>came in.  It would be ideal for a library that does not have an integrated
>system such as the one at the library where I work.  I am sorry to say I do
>not remember her name, or have ready access to ordering information.
>Perhaps someone else on the list has more information.
>Good luck!
>Linda Hofmann, Library Associate
>Technical Services
>Naperville Public Libraries
>Naperville, Illinois
>Elyse Hayes <<emihayes@LI.NET> wrote:
>>I'm new to this list, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me:
>>1.)  Have there been any threads on software for serials management - not
>>as a module of an overall automation package - but separate software for
>>serials inventory, reports, etc.
>>2.)  If so, what's the best way to find it in the archives (what was the
>>subject line; when was the thread)
>>3.)  Better yet, if you can recommend particular software, I'd be
>>interested.  (You can e-mail me directly).
>>Thank you,
>>Elyse Hayes
>>Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, Huntington, NY