Call for serial trainers Jean L. Hirons 17 Nov 1998 20:01 UTC

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The Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP) is a ground-
breaking endeavor to provide standardized training materials for serials
cataloging and trained-trainers.  The program will leave the provision of
specific training workshops to organizations, library associations, and
others interested in sponsoring training.

Training materials for the first course, Basic Serials Cataloging, are
currently under development and will be available from the Library of
Congress Cataloging Distribution Service in June 1999.

A critical piece of the program will be the trainers.  This is your
opportunity to share your serials cataloging experience with others and to
ensure a continuing pool of knowledgeable serials catalogers.

Below are specific details on the training program, train-the-trainer
sessions, and the qualifications that we are seeking in would-be trainers.

The deadline for applications is February 15, 1999.
1.  Initial (pilot) course: Basic serials cataloging

1.1.  The initial course will cover basic principles of serials cataloging for
both print and electronic serials.

1.2.  Training materials. The course materials will include an instructor's
manual, a trainee's manual, a PowerPoint presentation, and exercises that will
be mounted on the CONSER web site for completion prior to and following the

1.3.  The course is planned as a 2-day class with lecture and exercises.  The
instructor's manual will indicate areas that are optional or able to be
expanded to allow for shorter or longer time frames.

1.4.  Since two days is a short time, emphasis will be placed on the fields
included in the CONSER core record and how serials differ from monographs.
The focus will be on problem solving, decision-making and where to go for
additional information.

2.  Train the trainer sessions.

2.1.  When and where: June 10-11, 1999.  Pittsburgh (in conjunction with
NASIG).  June 25-26, 1999. New Orleans (in conjunction with ALA).  Exact dates
are tentative but sessions will be held prior to the conference.

2.2.  Format: The sessions will consist of two parts.  The first day will
consist of a one day training class given by a pair of trainers.  This will
familiarize trainees with the materials and model how they are to be
presented.  The second day will be led by a training professional who will
cover presentation skills, working in pairs, adapting the materials, and other
training skills.

2.3.  Costs: There is no charge for the training.  Housing and food will be up
to you and your institution.

2.4.  What you will receive: At the end of the class trainee's will have one
copy each of the instructor's manual, the trainee's manual, and a PowerPoint
presentation on floppy disk.

2.5.  There will be a maximum of 20-25 people per session.

3.  Responsibilities following training

3.1.  Working in pairs.  Our plan for the training program is that sessions,
particularly those that are two days, will be given by a pair of trainers.
You may wish to select another person who you will always train with but this
is not necessary.

3.2.  You will be contacted by training providers once they have received the
official list of names from the Library of Congress. You will work out dates
and other arrangements directly with the provider.

3.3.  It is desirable that you be able to give 2 sessions a year.  There is no
obligation for follow-up with participants following the training but you may
wish to make yourself available.  Trainees will be asked to complete post
class exercises, answers to which will be available at the Web site.

3.4.  Serve on the PCC Standing Committee on Training on a rotating basis.
SCCTP trainers will participate in the larger work of the committee, and also
routinely review materials and provide suggested updates to the CONSER office
at LC, where the materials will be maintained.  Being from a PCC member
institution that participates in NACO, SACO, BIBCO, or CONSER is not a
requirement for being an SCCTP trainer if you have the necessary experience,
but is desirable.

3.5.  Communicate with fellow trainers, and with the CONSER office at LC
providing general feedback on the program.  We may want to develop a separate
list serve or include SCCTP trainers on the PCC trainers listserv.

4.  Funding

4.1.  Your expenses for giving a training session will be provided by the
training providers.  Costs to your institution will be in time off the job.

Application and qualifications.  Please supply the following information:

Serials cataloging experience: A minimum of 2 years using CONSER
documentation is desired for all trainers; experience cataloging print and
electronic serials is also desirable.

Training experience: Experience in providing class room training,
workshops, etc. within your institution, at conferences, or special
training events.

Availability: Demonstrate institutional support and be able to attend one
of the train-the-trainer sessions held in June 1999.  Following that, you
should be available to give 2 or more training sessions per year. A
separate email or fax (202-707-6333) from your supervisor is requested
along with this application.

References: Please provide 2 or more names (including telephone and email
addresses) of persons who can attest to your cataloging and training

Final date for submission of application: February 15, 1999.  You will be
notified once the list of trainers is finalized.

Please send applications via email to: Jean Hirons,

For further information, please feel free to call at: 202-707-5947.

Uncertain whether this is right for you?  Plan to attend the information
session at ALA Midwinter, Friday night January 29, 1999 7:00-9:00. An
announcement will be sent to library lists in January providing
details of the location.

Thank you in advance for your interest in SCCTP.

Jean Hirons and the Steering Group of SCCTP