Call for speakers: ALCTS Role of the Professional in Academic Tech. Serv. DG Mary Grenci 13 Nov 1998 16:19 UTC

The ALCTS Role of the Professional in Academic Technical Services
Discussion Group is seeking speakers for the 1999 ALA Midwinter Meeting in

TOPIC:  Are library schools adequately fulfilling the needs of libraries
in the education of technical services professionals?

Some areas that speakers might wish to address include:

1.  Are library schools keeping pace with the technical service needs of
the workplace?  Are the curricula incorporating sufficient technical
services courses and are the courses meeting the needs of today's

2.  What do employers look for in technical service job applicants at both
the entry level and at the higher level?

3.  How can libraries work with library school educators to help develop
the curricula necessary to assure excellence in technical services in the

4.  How do practicing librarians keep administrators informed and
cognizant of the continued need for strong technical services backgrounds
in the librarians responsible for those areas?

The group will be meeting on Sunday Jan. 31, 2:00-4:00 p.m.  The format
includes three 20 minute presentations followed by a discussion hour.

If you are interested in this speaking opportunity, please reply directly
to the chair of the group at:

Chair:                            Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect:

Mary Grenci                       Marilyn J. Mercado
Serials Catalog Librarian         Acting Assoc. Dean of Library Services/
Knight Library                       Head, Cataloging Dept.
1299 University of Oregon         Rod Library, Univ. of Northern Iowa
Eugene, OR 97403-1299             1227 W. 27th St.
                                  Cedar Falls, IA.  50613-3675
Voice: (541) 346-5607             Voice: (319) 273-2737
Fax:   (541) 346-3485             Fax: 319-273-2913