Re: Housing Review Meg Robinson Arnold 05 Nov 1998 13:33 UTC

Our serials cataloger is fighting with what might be a title change or an
absorption, and wanted to know if any of you folks could give us a clue.
We've been getting what appears to be a new title - HOUSING AND PLANNING
REVIEW. Somewhere on the issue it mentions that it "incorporates" HOUSING
REVIEW, but apparently there are no OCLC records documenting any of this.
Anybody know if HOUSING REVIEW has ceased? And if it has, what the last
issue was? Or the first issue of HOUSING AND PLANNING REVIEW?  Anybody else
been grappling with this same mystery? What were your solutions? Any help
would be appreciated.
Thanks -
Margaret Robinson Arnold
Bindery Supervisor
Atkins Library
UNC Charlotte                ph:704-547-2127
9201 University City Blvd
Charlotte NC  28223-0001