(This message is cross-posted to several lists - Apologies for possible duplicate postings!) Call for papers The Third Conference on Electronic Publishing (http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf) will be held in Ronneby, Sweden and presents a great opportunity to present achievements in this area to an international audience. On behalf of the Organizing committee of Electronic Publishing �99, I, therefore would like to encourage you to submit an abstract or to pre-register. Peter Linde, chairman of the Programme Committee. The Third ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing, will take place on 10-12 May 1999 at Ronneby, Sweden. The theme is Redefining the Information Chain - New Ways and Voices. As at the first and second ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing conference held in Canterbury, England, in 1997 and Budapest 1998 (http://www.ukc.ac.uk/library/ICCC98/) papers on technical, human and economic aspects of electronic publishing will be welcomed Submit a paper The conference will be concerned with electronic publishing both for specialist audiences and for the general public. Submit your paper at: http://www5.hk-r.se/abstract.nsf/input Deadline for abstract submission is 7th of December 1998. There will be two tracks. The first track will concentrate on technical issues, such as file formats, protocols, networking, retrieval techniques etc. The second track will include case studies, presentations of projects and presentations of implemented electronic publishing in public and scholarly libraries, art galleries, museums. It will also include electronic provision of local community or tourist information, government information, and the like. Neither of these lists is meant to be exhaustive and submissions on any topic within the Conference's overall theme will be considered. The Program Committee now calls for papers for presentation at the conference. These should report real experiences, research or development projects, or intellectual contributions on the theme of the conference. Papers reporting experience of real-life activities on a significant scale and presenting new, inventive ways of communicating and publishing electronically are especially sought. Keynote speaker The keynote speaker will be David Seaman , Founding Director of the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia, USA (http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/). Panel Debate Two Panel debates are planed. The themes are: Electronic Publishing in the service of democracy Electronic Publishing year 2001 - a global perspective: What have happened and what will happen!? We invite three persons for each debate and three papers on each theme will be accepted. Suggested topics: Electronic Serials Case Studies and History Distribution Library Issues Research Retrieval Issues Storage and Preservation New Publishing Models What can XML do for EP? Intelligent Agents in EP in Government information in Tourist information in Multimedia Local Information The Digital Library Cataloging and Classification Metadata Economic Issues Information Conversion Integrity and Preservation Retrieval Issues Change Management Storage and Preservation Electronic Commerce Print on Demand Security Delivery Models Payment Techniques Intellectual Property Rights License Agreements Paper submission must include: Title of paper; Abstract in English of no more than 500 words; Author(s); Affiliation(s) Address; Phone; Fax; E-mail. Panel debate submission must include: Title of Debate; Abstract in English of no more than 500 words; Title of paper; Author(s); Affiliation(s); Address; Phone; Fax; E-mail. Abstracts in English of no more than 500 words should be sent by e-mail to: mailto:abstract@notes.hk-r.se or submitted by webform to: http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf The Programme Committee: Anders Ard�, Head of development, Technical Knowledge Center & Library of Denmark Prof. Dipak Khakhar, University of Lund. Sweden Peter Linde, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden Gunilla Jonsson, Deputy Director, Royal Library, Stockholm, Sweden John McKendree, Manager ICCC Press, USA Prof. Jack Meadows, Loughborough University, UK John W.T. Smith, The Templeman Library, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK Dr. Volker Tschammer, ECCO - Competence Center for Electronic Commerce, Berlin, Germany Senior Consultant, Rickard �dahl, Swedish State Railways, Information Systems Preregister: Preregister for the Conference by filling out our web-form available at http://www5.hk-r.se/ElPub99.nsf/ and we will later send you registration Paper/Panel debate submission: All submissions will be refereed by members of the Programme Committee. The working languages of the conference will be English. Submission of abstracts should be in English. The Proceedings will be published in time for the Conference and a copy will be given to delegates at registration. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the beginning of January 1999. Conference program will be distributed in February 1999. Submitted papers from Eastern European countries will be particularly welcome. Speakers whose papers are accepted will be charged one third of the conference fee, but will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs. The same fees applies to authors who's panel debate papers has been accepted. Abstracts in English of no more than 500 words should be sent by e-mail to: mailto:abstract@notes.hk-r.se or submitted by webform to: http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf Contact person is: Peter Linde University of Karlskrona/Ronneby S-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden Fax: +46 455 78137 Telephone: +46 455 78139 mailto:Elpub99@hk-r.se Deadline for abstract submission is 7th of December 1998. Buy Proceedings: We sell the proceedings from the Electronic Publishing Conferences of 1997 and 1998 at a special price. Only 15USD each, postage included. Please send an e-mail or a letter with your name and address and which of the titles you want to buy (ICCC/IFIP Conference Proceeding Electronic Publishing �97 - "New Models and opportunities or ICCC/IFIP Conference Proceeding Electronic Publishing �98 - "Towards the Information-Rich Society") to: Dipak Khakhar Department of Informatics S-223 63 Lund, Sweden mailto:dipak.khakhar@ics.lu.se Conference Website: http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf The Conference is Co-sponsored by University of Karlskrona/Ronneby http://www.hk-r.se The Baltic Institute http://www.balticinstitute.se http://www.ballad.org Soft Center http://www.softcenter.com -- / Peter Linde Librarian University of Karlskrona/Ronneby S-371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden + 46 (0)455 78139, fax + 46 (0)455 78137 mail elpub99@hk-r.se http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf