Bindery Bids (Betty Rozum) Marcia Tuttle 14 Oct 1998 19:14 UTC

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Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:12:32 -0600
From: Betty Rozum <BetRoz@NGW.LIB.USU.EDU>
Subject: Bindery Bids

We are required to submit a request for bid quotation for our bindery
service.  We have not had to do this for many, many years and do not
have an old example to use as a guideline.

Does anyone have a list of bindery specifications that was used for a
bid request?  I would be very grateful if someone could share this
information with me.


Betty Rozum
Head, Serials Department
SciTech Library
Utah State University
(435) 797-3961
(435) 797-1546 (FAX)